Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Today's a new day

The week has reshaped itself suddenly. We are apparently in the path of what's left of Ida, with large amounts of rain tomorrow and Thursday, probably meaning flooding, since the waterways are still at capacity from  Henri. Tomorrow and Thursday are my worrying appointments. 

One called to postpone, the chimney dryer/ vent people. Till next week. The other, the routine doctor visit, I thought I'd better postpone because flooding possible. Next appointment December 21! I took it.

The reason the dryer vent appointment, required by township suddenly, and now by HOA, is a worry, is  that the dryer at the condo, the one that took me 18 months to find and install, is nonvented. 

So there's nothing to check the pressure of as in the vented ones. My fear is of a hassle from the HOA if they don't understand it's perfectly safe. 

I'm trying not to trigger a problem by bringing it up ahead of time. But I know what it's like to be defending against the HOA. On another issue where they sprang an impossible demand on me, I got the township to defend me! Which they gallantly did.

And another good thing: Gary Nextdoor says he will come over with me to help smooth it out if necessary. It's almost always easier when there's a man around at times like this. 

Even if there's no man present but you're known to have one in your life. I'm known to be widowed, and low income, it's open season. Much experience of this. And he offered, so that should help. He's a good peacemaker, too.

So, floods bad, help with dryer vent  folk and postponement good.

He's also going to help me lift and divide the compacted iris soon Another good.

Went to the farm for peaches and tomatoes and ran into a friend I haven't seen for many years, on the same mission. Huge good.

 We used to play music together, and our paths separated when she switched to baroque viola, which is different groups and teachers. So good to see JoLin again. It must be well over fifteen years, my caregiving having stopped my social life pretty much. But we knew each other despite masks.

And her low, measured voice still calms me. Such a brave woman, a refugee from the Red Guard in China, starting over with her father and brother, learning English, completely dignified. And defying her cultural norms, staying single by choice.

So seeing her was a gift.

And I thought this was a day for ice cream which I rarely eat, but you know, peaches.

I made chickpea fritter things, eggs, slightly mashed chickpeas, onions, parsley. Enough for tomorrow, too.

I checked Textiles Tuesday,  and the speaker was Joan Berner, with very little to show, no studio images, just chatting. Nice but not too visual. 

She's a weaver and nuno felter. This is felting by wet rolling silk fabric and roving for ages  to create fabric. You make clothing and wall art from nuno, and it's lovely. I added in here  some images from her website to do her more justice. 

She's a retired engineer, and the other serious nuno felter I know was a physicist before switching. There seem to be a lot of science folks in weaving, too. Must be the math.

So this was a much better day. 


  1. Phew! I've been thinking of you all day. Glad to hear that things have smoothed out. Now- let's hope that Ida's remnants don't give you too much trouble.

  2. Your day sounds wonderful at the meeting of an old friends. I hope the dryer issue goes well.

  3. So glad it was a much better day. Very tiresome having one bad day after another. Peaches and ice-cream look delicious and I'm loving that felted jacket. Just the colours I love.

  4. It's always lovely to run into an old friend! And to have such a helpful, caring neighbour.

  5. I'm happy to hear you've had a better day! Your neighbor Gary sounds like a wonderful friend. It is so nice he can help you in so many ways. Isn't it nice to see a friend you have not seen for many years! Those peaches and ice cream look delicious!

  6. I'm glad to hear your day was much better. I hope the waters from Ida aren't bad.

    1. Right now it's not looking too bad, but there's a way to go yet and our waterways are full already. My son moved his car last night just in case.

  7. it sucks that sometimes we need a man beside us to be heard but glad you have your neighbor. and glad your day is better.

  8. How nice to see the good--a good neighbor, a treasured old friend, and fresh peaches and ice cream.

    Hope Ida hasn't presented more problems.

  9. I agree about having a man with you when dealing with some issues. Sad but true! Our daughter, as a single mother, has the same issues as us older women.

    I’ll never get over when we paid off our mortgage which was in both our names. We lived off my husband’s salary and put mine on the mortgage for five years. The letter from the bank about the completed payment was addressed to my husband alone. I was furious. The bank manager was a woman too. She should have known better.

    You got me started…

  10. "...ran into a friend I haven't seen for many years, on the same mission. Huge good." Aren't such meetings a spectacular event? Huge good, indeed. She sounds like a pretty special person, too.

    I shopped alone for my second car (my dad helped me buy my first one). The salesman treated me 'like a woman' until I crawled under the car to look at its underbelly. A tone of respect crept into his voice...:-) Glad your great neighbor Gary will be standing by if needed.

    Chris from Boise

  11. It's a sad commentary that we seem to need a man in order to be taken seriously. Not only that, but the fact that when we have something wrong with us, it's often put down to our female sensibilities. I have been fighting for nearly 11 years to have my name included on any mailings from our landlord (I co-signed the lease) but everything comes to Resident Chef and I'm totally ignored. I'm given lip service when I take them to task and they assure me that they are very sorry and that it will be rectified immediately. They never seem to be able to prove when that 'immediately' might actually be!!!


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