Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Son's happy birthday

The menu was chicken cordon bleu, with pasta in red sauce, followed by chocolate walnut cake decorated with chocolate icing and half walnuts

Topped with butter, ready for the oven

Table laid ready, flowers, like all the best restaurants. Fresh grated parmesan, hot peppers. Sun tea with lemon.

 This went over handsomely, and there are few leftovers. In fact more chicken was called on,  keeping warm in the oven.Really successful. First dinner together since February 2020. This is a restart. 

We'll do it again in September. I don't have the energy to pull out all the stops more than once a month! But this one, along with the nice check beside his plate, was a very good event. 

This year his birthday, aside from being 08/08, auspicious, is a multiple of 18, very auspicious, so with a multiplier factored in, it made a substantial gift. Which tickled me and pleased him.

And I have several dinners to reheat now. This chicken works very well that way.

All in all a good time.


  1. It sounds delicious! Happy Birthday to your son! I'm sure he enjoyed the meal and especially the company. His birthday is just the day before mine on 08/09.

    1. All the best people are in August! Happy birthday, dear Leo.

  2. I'm so glad you and your son enjoyed a delicious birthday meal together. You both are so good to (and for) each other. The menu sounds delicious! :)

    1. It all went over well. He really enjoyed repeat helpings of everything, always good for the cook to see. And left bearing a large chunk of the remainder cake, birthday tradition.

  3. Terrific looking birthday meal! I'm so glad you got to enjoy it together.

  4. Happy Birthday!
    The meal looks delicious. I am glad you could share it.

  5. Belated happy birthday! Cordon bleu, yum, yum.

  6. All wishes are being passed on, thank you.

  7. Ah, the getting together for a meal was the best part - birthday notwithstanding. It's been too long for all of us. Glad the menu was a success (and again, belated now, but further happy Birth Day wishes to HS).


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