Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Back in my own studio, and chicken

Back in my space, I finished the beaded head. I need a couple of days before I start the body, to rest from the close work, and recharge. 

Beading abd couching is like painting. Every bead, placement, color, size, direction,, movement, relationship to what's already there, every single bead is a decision. And working in three dimensions even more so . It's a terrific experience, and your creative mind really gets tired.  

Seen from above

And a journey around it

Just balancing the design is an interesting challenge, the touches of red drawing your eye around the piece, the quieter areas of clear beads, the calming effect of the blue and green mixture, the metallic couching flowing around the contours, the optical illusions, where the facial expression changes with the angle you're seeing from. And yes, you do think of all these things at once while you're working. It's lovely to work on, and totally engrossing.

And now I need a mental rest.

What better than food. Yesterday, chicken and brown rice.

I pounded the boneless chicken thighs on what is now, I guess, my chicken cutting board, along the lines of not mixing meat and veggies.

Then, buttered and breaded with panko heavily seasoned with Bill Veach's Curry Powder #2, roasted it at 400°f for 40 minutes, same length of time for the rice simmering on top of the stove. 

Two dinners cooked at once. Touch of parsley. Plus extra rice for other meals yet to be thought of.

Today is about Sonya's impact on my wardrobe. Her book comes with a packet of patterns. How clever of me to buy a large quantity of parchment paper sheets from Breadtopia a while back. 

I'll trace my patterns onto sheets taped together. Mainly I would like the trouser pattern, already have the top pattern I made when I did that top from Joanne's woven piece. Which I've worn a lot.

Slight detour here, about Breadtopia. I really wanted that bolted flour again, and found, again, that the reason I haven't ordered it is that the shipping costs twice the $$ as the flour. One third product, two thirds shipping. 

When I got it before, it was with the parchment paper and the dough mixer I keep calling Polish when it's Danish, but who's counting. So the shipping didn't hurt as much. I might get in touch with the grain man who comes to the local farmers market and see if he does it. 

Maybe I'll check his website and see if I can pick up on Saturday at the market.


  1. Your beaded lady is absolutely stunning.

    1. Thank you. I notice a number of people assign female gender to the figure, and wonder if it's what people do, default to their own gender? Just wondering. Nothing right or wrong here.

  2. I see two faces in the bead work. The rhythm gives the eyes much to look at. The chicken looks delicious.

    1. Yes, there are two faces, each with more than one expression.

      The chicken was great after mainly veg for a couple of weeks.

  3. Your beading work is gorgeous, I imagine it requires a lot of patience too, as well as the things you mentioned. How did you get started with this? And the chicken dinner looks good. I haven't cooked my in the summer heat, but it's time to start again now.

    1. Thank you for your nice words. I used to make beads, way back, in paper, some my handmade, and clay. Sold a lot of necklaces, and large beads separately to other artists to incorporate into their work. But I only started using glass beads after I joined the embroiderers Guild and saw one member using them. It's all on account of Florence!!

  4. I love the beading you've done. She is a special lady for sure. I especially love the smooth silver strands that I guess you have couched down? They look like lines of mercury flowing around her head. Beautiful

    1. Yes, the silver work is couched. I like the flow of metallic threads.

  5. I imagine her head is quite heavy with all those beads in place. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of her.
    Chicken is a favourite here - I'd far rather have it than red meat.

    1. Yes, beads are heavy. I've taken that into account in the design. I'm looking forward to the rest of the figure, too!

      I haven't eaten red meat in about fifty years just don't like it. Chicken makes its appearance around here every couple of months. Likewise hot turkey Italian sausage. Just as well the meat industry isn't counting on me.


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