Saturday, August 14, 2021

A climate migrant, and understudying

 First a great understudy steps up. As soon as I saw this, I thought of you, Mary! I have no idea why. 

Maybe I thought you'd approve. Or one of the grandchildren would come up with the idea instead of being baffled.

And this morning on  the early prowl around the patio, here, where there used to be a walkway, I found this newcomer

Which I'm pretty sure is this

And my weed book tells me it's found in the southwest. Which makes me wonder how it's growing in the northeast. Either it rode in with a packet of wildflower seeds, or it's a climate migrant.  I hope it's not followed by buffalo. I have enough trouble with squirrels.

My Little Golden Guides to weeds and wildflowers have a ton of overlap. The weed book is concerned with farming and the plants that get in the way, or make milk taste bitter. The wildflower book often describes the same plants, but more in botanical terms than impact.

Both have seen a lot of use. I love Golden Guides, just enough information, good illustration, small enough to carry in your pocket. Which reminds me to add pockets to my useful gown. The Golden Guides will be a helpful size indicator.

Everything's related to everything else..


  1. I am baffled, I'll tell you that. What in the world is an A-4 Rendition of the Last Supper, much less in "Fuzzy Felt"?
    Oh come on! Don't you want to see a buffalo in your back yard? I'd think that at least it would perhaps take out one of those fences.

    1. A4 is a paper size, I think 8x11.Fuzzy felt shapes are stick on things for little kids to arrange in pictures. They evidently come precut in shapes. I'm guessing most of this!

      I'm willing to reconsider buffalo if they knock down the fences. But then I'm in favor of reintroducing the grey wolf to solve our deer problem. I don't get invited onto many planning committees.

    2. You know what? I just figured that out myself. I remembered doing flannel boards in Bible School with Jesus and sheep. Haha! Oh man. I would have bought that.
      Well, I think the reintroduction of the grey wolf is a great idea. Some people just don't have creative minds.

  2. What a great sign! I picture The Last Supper on a felt board (why???), and the tractor-disciple made me laugh out loud. Where did you ever find that sign?

    Coincidentally, we too had a buffalo bur show up in a flower bed this summer. Not native here either.

    Thought it was a watermelon at first. The prickles showed up a week later and we said "That is no watermelon!" I evicted it yesterday, after enjoying the show for about six weeks; it was really quite beautiful but was starting to set seeds, which seemed dangerous.

    No buffalo have appeared yet, but if they come I'll send them your way to knock over that god-awful new fencing.

    Chris from Boise

    1. When they arrive I will have to deny all knowledge of this plan. Officer, I was just sitting quietly in my house beading. Here I'll show you. No, I don't think your three year old could manage it. Yes,I believe you, she's highly gifted.

  3. I have several wildflower identifier books, also for butterflies. don't see many butterflies these days though. that is curious how the buffalo bur made it all the way up to you.

    1. It's been under the walkway for years, no light, so it's been dormant. I think it was probably in a wildflower seed assortment originally, and finally got its chance.

  4. Oh that made me laugh - a tractor disciple. Someone with a great sense of humour came up with that one!
    Pretty flower - but sounds rather like something that should be evicted sooner rather than later.

    1. I'm letting it alone right now. In a few weeks the walkway will be replaced, and it will be muffled again. The buffalo will search in vain.


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