Sunday, August 15, 2021

A saunter out and virtue rewarded

 I did the last of the pulling of spent iris and daylily foliage this morning, looking nicer now. Full but not ragged.

and on my way to the woods to toss the stuff, conscientiously feeding the earth not the landfill,  noticed an interesting couple of items at the dumpster.

One of which I brought home, my neighbor running to help

I hereby declare my track record of always having patio furniture and never buying it, unbroken! 

In place of the old broken down wooden Adirondack chair neighbors dumped for me, here's a newer, composition, one. There was a matching one at the dumpster, cracked. Probably a large person, combined with weathering. Neighbor will come over later and hose it down.

It might mitigate the impact of the new fencing. Similar material, vaguely similar color, so there won't be a complete mismatch of fence and wooden deck.

Anyway, the earth is happy. Recycling!


  1. Nice find. It's always nice when recyclables are a good color.

  2. Yes, a pretty acceptable color, very acceptable style. Good find.

  3. Pretty yard you have. Very cool chair find!

  4. I think with a nice cushion or pillow it will be perfect.

  5. Such a great way to recycle. It happens a lot here!

    1. I can't imagine why anyone shops as long as there are dumpsters and Freecycle! I saw these exact chairs advertised at Target a while ago. I didn't like them enough to spend money on them!

  6. Wow! That's a great find. And a nice color, too. :)

  7. It looks very nice and I love to hear of items being used instead of dumped!

  8. Another case of the universe aligning. If all of us practiced a little more patience things like your chair would appear but many of us are too wrapped up in the 'I want it now' lifestyle. Good find!

  9. Handsome son is pleased. Commented that it was less likely to collapse than the rotted ones we tossed.


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