Friday, August 6, 2021

Meet Monsieur Frog

A new friend moved in recently. He found a good home in the birdbath. Sheltered under leaves, cool water to lie in. He's happy.


  1. We've had a huge "birth" rate of frogs - well toads actually. I shouldn't have any bug problems for a good long time!

  2. Replies
    1. I keep looking out to see if he's back! He's not going to get a peaceful minute.

  3. with all this rain we've had, baby toads scatter with every step. not to mention the bigger ones from previous hatchings. they're everywhere. just startled two in the shop when I moved a piece of plywood.

  4. It's amazing how frogs and toads are happy with the smallest of water environments.

  5. You're now the landlady for a frog - what fun! I do hope he's not expecting you to cater his meals though.

    1. His rent consists of eating all the mosquitoes he can catch. It's an in-kind fee!

  6. We had a toad who lived in the cool, damp shade of a water bowl. He reappeared several years. We called him Tod.

  7. He knows a good neighbourhood. When he sees it.


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