Showing posts with label jacket binding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jacket binding. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The puzzler puzzled and good thoughts

 I thought, thank you Rose, it's been a while since we had a Haggard Hawks puzzle, so I got one out for you.


And I tried another couple. I have been known to be hasty in reading and now, a bonus, you're getting a dubble puzzle because of your humble blogista's ineptitude.

Here's the puzzle as printed

Eager Boud quickly came up with a group of five letters which worked.

Then I looked again. One dash means one letter at a time, to make five new words. Not one group of five stuffed in there. Ah.

So rather than deprive you of the pleasure, why don't you guess mine as well as Haggard's? Endless Sunday fun. Three puzzles.

Usual reminder: don't put the answer in your comment, because other people may be working on the puzzle(s). Funny clues are encouraged, especially those which are so subtle I answer them seriously and have to be kindly put right. No dear, that wasn't a real question, it was a clue.

I recommend this manual for coping with our immediate future. Written during the first T***p era, it's valuable reading. Terse and useful.

And today's walk, a bit shorter, hip complaining a bit, but still lovely.

This is what I see as I leave my back gate 

And this is where the tipping has been cleaned up. That whole house is now empty, who knows what the story was.

Here's Saturday duffers on parade, narrowly missing me with wild drives. Whoa, where'd it go, I heard. Bounced off a tree or two.

Here's the other jacket, the jade green one, same vintage as the pink one, and I'm considering what color binding to use around the edges.

Happy day everyone, those guys golf as well as I puzzle. All good.