Friday, February 14, 2025

Potatoes everywhere! And Valentine's Day

I made the planned potato and carrot soup, using a vegetable stock I made, using the stock bag in the freezer. The other liquid was the mapu tofu spicy liquid, which I saved. I'd made a bit too much, and it's a great soup addition. Dash of sea salt, lemon juice and it's done.

I blended it to a thick consistency, sprinkled on some dried dill, courtesy of the friend who grew it in her kitchen, and there was a good supper.

Five more meals from this batch.

I'm noticing a pattern -- leftovers from Yeung Man Cooking recipes, usually very spicy, make great soup starters. Because they already have plenty of flavor, onion, garlic, red chili oil, spices galore, no need to do much more.
This suits my inner lazy woman. I need to make more red chili oil though. And next week's Misfits will include firm tofu, to make marinated baked tofu sticks with a dipping sauce. Chili oil may be needed.

At some point I also need to open those cans of cannellini beans and see if they are what the label says. I'm thinking of opening them ahead of need,  and freezing the contents. I'll know what I'm getting then. Novelty is fine but not so much when I've got my mouth all set for one thing and another shows up. 

This seems to be a food centered post. Or maybe a comfort food post. 

Happy Valentine's Day, it's for all friends, not just romantic couples.

Happy day everyone, celebrate being a friend and having friends.

All the more needed, support for Ukraine.

And some useful information from good sources 


  1. That final photo is the PERFECT VALENTINE for today! Happy Palintines Day, Boud!

  2. Love that last piece. Happy Valentine’s Day, Boud.

  3. Comfort food seems necessary. Opening the beans seems like a good idea. You could do without the bean surprise. Although it's happened often enough I think the surprise would be that they are what it says on the label. Happy Valentines day to you!

    1. Bean surprise sounds like a recipe name! Yes, it will be good if the label and contents match.

  4. Comfort food is something we all need right now. At least it's something we can more or less control.
    Happy Valentine's day my friend - and to all the people who take time to comment on your blog with such thoughtful and interesting discussion.

    1. Yes, I often think the comments are the best part. Yay all of us.

  5. There is no way that your inner woman is lazy.

    1. I think she's struggling against the odds to get out!

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love that final needlework! And, oh please, I don’t think anyone could dig deep enough to find your inner lazy woman!

    1. I don't know who created the needlework, but when I find out I'll credit her. Maybe sitting a minute here and there isn't so lazy, then?

  7. In case you and my fellow readers don't suffer from a surfeit of information yet (from
    Here are some independent news organizations you can depend on for the truth:

    Daily Docket reports current litigation

    Democracy Docket

    The Contrarian

    Angry Staffer (Patreon link)

    Heather Cox Richardson

    Meidas Touch News

    Public Notice

    There are more. Jim Acosta has a podcast after being forced out at CNN. Adam Kinzinger has a newsletter/podcast. All of these can send posts directly to your email. Please share others that you rely on."

    Best from Switzerland

  8. Thank you. I don't approve the false hopes and theater of Meidas Touch, who used to be better, but the others are reliable and I have discussed most of them them in this blog. Good reinforcement.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. There's the excellent and brave Roland Martin, reliable Black journalist in the trenches, and Daily Beans podcasts, two women who have been in both federal agencies and the military and know what they're talking about and suggesting as resistance actions.

  11. You are the best at this balancing act. I'm kind of all over the place. Thanks for your focus.

    1. And thank you for the encouragement. You've got this. It may not feel that way right now.

  12. Happy Valentine Day. Enjoy your beans.

    1. Back atcha, though your Valentine is far away right now.

  13. I was a big follower of Meidas Touch and something has happened with the brothers. . . :(
    Soup looks lovely! Happy Valentines Day!

    1. I agree, they've gone all clickbait false hopes lately. Maybe worried about all the excellent competition in their world.

  14. And happy Valentine's to you.
    The resignation of judges in NY was heartening. They did not do the bidding of the supposed president.

    1. Lawyers in the Southern District, NY. Not firing blanks!

  15. Happy Valentine's Day (again)! Excellent needlepoint poem! Oh man that soup sounds delicious.

    Chris from Boise

    1. HVD!! The soup is carrots, yellow potatoes and red lentils. With a lot of heat from the mapo tofu liquid. Really good on the second day. I love the poem, never thought how roses can look like raised fists.

  16. Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Your always so creative and frugal in your cooking. I love that

    1. Happy Valentine's day! I like cooking so that everything gets used up.

  17. The rose red fists are great, and your plans are an inspiration. Thanks for the card!

    1. It's also a lot of fun, but don't tell anyone!

  18. Happy Valentine's Day to you! *hugs* :)

  19. Happy Valentine's Day, and up and at 'em tomorrow.


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