Friday, February 28, 2025

Share, don't buy! But catch Miss Austen

 Current viewing

A BBC 2024 production, mostly in retrospect, with Cassandra Austen, Jane's surviving sister, as the main character. It's well acted and produced, worth a look. Found free on YouTube.

Today's about refraining from buying, and rather giving and sharing.

Here's today's offering on Freecycle 

Then something you may not have realized about Air BNB 

And then there's always nature. She gives and shares all the time.


  1. I think "MIss Austen" is slated to be shown on PBS too. I've already got it on my watch list! Good to know you recommend it!

    1. Keekey Hawes plays Cassandra, and though I usually find her unappealing, here she's very good. Well, they all are.

  2. No buying from American companies here today either. Where is this all headed? I give in to the sadness of this world until I remember…resist!

  3. Share, don't buy day!
    I will look for Miss Austin.
    Have a great day. :)

    1. It's not hard for me, since I rarely buy anything more than necessities, and I Freecycle and give all the time. It's nice to feel virtuous about it though.

  4. I am resisting today. Last night was a bit of a gut punch since our province reelected a Conservative government. There was a pathetic voter turnout, and the centre-left vote was split between two or even three parties while the Cons are unified.

    1. Sorry to hear that. People need to wake up.

  5. Afraid we're on the other side of the coin when it comes to being happy with the election results last night. Although we're not fans of Doug Ford we are well aware that he's the only person that was in the race that has the ability to stand up to the orange man and fight for us.
    Did our grocery shop yesterday and managed to only buy Canadian-made goods or, in the case of oranges, ones from overseas rather than the US. Gratifying to see so many people reading labels although it means more congestion in the aisles.

    1. Interesting, I shop in the US and a lot of my items come from outside the US.
      Chile and Mexico provide a lot of produce, and I don't like the carbon footprint, but it's not big Ag, it's smaller organic growers, so there's that.

      Ford is seen differently here. But we'll see how it goes.

  6. I'm resisting today too. Miss Austen is starting soon on PBS as well (Sundays at 9 but probably after pledge week). It looks lovely and interesting.

    1. You can get it now on YouTube if you urgently need to!

  7. Not buying today, not going on Facebook.

  8. Not planning on going anywhere or buying anything. I am curious to see how many people abide by the boycott and what this will bring about? Even if it's baby steps, it's still progress.

    1. It's a symbol. What people can do once they can do again. It's putting people on notice.

  9. Hope the Economic blackout is hugely significant.
    I like Keeley Hawes, and usually like things she appears in, but had to give up on Miss Austen.

    1. Yes, high hopes for the Blackout. I'm still untangling the relationships in Miss Austen. Where Cassandra is introduced as a family friend when I thought she was a relative.

  10. I will checkout Miss Austen. I deactivated my unused Facebook and Instagram accounts a couple of days ago. No buying happening here, either. I'm happy to see people are avoiding items from the US. Money talks.

    1. Yes, anything with Z's mark on it never made it into my world.


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