Sunday, February 23, 2025

More winnowing

Three more artworks leaving tomorrow, via Freecycle 

Left watercolor and chalk, center monotypes, right pastel. The recipient turns out to be recently widowed and helping a friend in distress, too, so she's so happy with the art. She's had pieces from me before and loves them. Says they're helping. I feel quite teary about that. 

And since I have all these as e-books, where I can enlarge the font, these are also up on Freecycle, with a potential taker

I remembered the artworks in the loft when I was up there, finally fixing a little stain from rain by the window, the cause fixed years ago, and I finally got the Kilz to spray it. 

This was after I decided it was okay to spray the living room ceiling stain from the recent plumbing adventure, and went in search of the safe place I'd put the can of Kilz. There was a lengthy search indoors and out until I finally found it.  It was safe from being found.

Then, since it was found and shaken endlessly to mix it, I thought here's the chance also to do that little stain on the third floor that only I know about.

While I was up there I took a picture of the artworks. There are more of them,  but I find offering more gets people in a blur and they end up not choosing anything. Or maybe that's just me. Now to find a bag for them. 

So, successful afternoon so far. By the way, the cumin seeds in the bread are really good, especially when it's toasted. Just fyi. 

And I did another fun bit of cute winter boots, emailing DOGGY to list what I did last week. Federal employees are being asked for this, so let's all join in and crash the box.

Do it, it's fun. We need fun where we can find it. Thank you, Debby, at Life's Funny Like That, for the idea. I had fun coming up with my five.

Late breaking news: Gary came over this evening with news. He's moving. He needs a bigger place because of growing numbers of grandchildren, and he's outgrown next door.

Next year probably. I need that long to adjust to the idea. It will be great for him, not so much for this neighborhood. He's already gone to contract on a house in a nearby town.  Life will be very different.

Happy day everyone, anyway, do silly stuff that's also useful! 

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