Monday, February 17, 2025

Bean bread or something, Presidents' Day and Freecycle

 I found a recipe for chickpea flatbread and thought I'd try it. Went to assemble the ingredients and found there were no chickpeas. Then I remembered they're in next week's order,not here yet.

So I thought why not use those cannellini beans, similar food group. 

And found they have a different texture, too thin a dough. So I added cornstarch and chickpea flour, had to get chickpeas in there somehow, and we'll see.

I didn't have the baking dishes the YouTube lady had, so I improvised. Small glass dish, and crumpet rings.

Needs to bake a bit longer maybe.

I baked longer, and the bigger one needed yet more time, so here are the small ones 

The one on the plate will join my soup lunch, and I think the others would be good finished on top of the stove in a cast iron pan.  

This was more of an interesting experiment than a wild success, though it's edible anyway. The seeds on top are cumin, very good for digestion when you're eating beans.

So here's one in the pan. 

I think it will toast well, too. 

It turned out very tasty with the carrot potato soup. It was too fragile to pick up, but I broke off pieces and that worked.

Endless rain here, heavy varied with light, but here's the good part: too warm for ice! Also my car's getting rain washed.

Monday is a holiday. Well, all my days are, really. It means no mail, mainly. Next week I'll see if my social security arrives. And I'll celebrate Joe Biden, one of the best Presidents of my lifetime, for the four halcyon years he gave us.

Thank you, Joe.

Happy day, everyone, try something new. Successful or not, you'll know more than you do now! Speaking of which, an excited Freecycler is picking up all the art materials tomorrow.  

She's wanting to weave something for her daughter's wedding, that little box contains handmade cardweaving cards, to go with the warping thread, and she plans to learn linocut which she's never done. Cool.


  1. Your country was reaping the rewards of Biden's management. It may take a little time before the actions of #47 filter down to the lower ends of the economy, but by golly, they will.

    1. Not much I can do about it other than what I'm doing. It will have a global effect.

  2. Your flatbreads dine in the pan sound a bit like dosa. They are various chickpeas lentil base (and fragile unless you cook them to a crisp. Tasty though.

    1. I'm familiar with dosa. These are all in the same part of the food spectrum, yes.

  3. Anything chickpea is interesting to me. I would probably love that bread (when you bake it correctly) ;-)

  4. It's Family Day here, a provincial stat holiday, so not much will be open for business.

  5. Well, at least those cannellini beans are gone!

    1. I have a can labeled black beans in the cabinet. I need to open it and see if it's chickpeas! Endless entertainment, doesn't take much to amuse me.

  6. The cannellini bean bread worked out fine by the look of it. Cumin is a great spice for added flavour. I didn’t realize it aided digestion too.

    1. I learned that from an Indian presenter. It definitely added to the bean bread interest.

  7. How wonderful that you freecycled something that will bring joy to a wedding day.

  8. You do the most interesting foodie experiments. I'm not that adventurous and always followed recipes to the letter (ingredient!). The RC and both our sons are experimental cooks and I do admire that ability.
    Family Day here so not much open so a good day to stay home. For once the sun is shining and dare I say it - no snow falling.

    1. I read the recipe or idea through, then go from there freestyle. I do check things like oven temp and time sometimes.
      What are you supposed to do on family day?

    2. I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to do on family day but I gather we're supposed to do 'something' with family. Truthfully it's a good excuse to have a long weekend in the middle of a dreary month.

  9. I made a white bean chili yesterday from cooking the dried beans on up. I have made this recipe many times but not in a long while so it was sort of like trying something new. And...I made a loaf of bread using my food processor, which I sometimes do, and I threw a few handfuls of uncooked oats in with the flour and processed them to a flour of their own. It made a nice sturdy loaf.

    1. I like home ground oat flour, and uncooked oats in with the bread dough. It makes a lovely crisp but not tough crust. I've done fruit crumbles using a mixture of oat flour and raw oats, too, nice for people who have to watch gluten intake.

    2. Yes! Oats make a great crumble.

  10. Any food experiment that ends up edible is a success in my book. ;)
    We're freezing over here. Down to -50 wind chills for another day yet. I have some homemade beef, potato, carrot, and pea soup for today. Glad to be inside where it's warm. :)

    1. We have high winds but temps in the 30s f, so more tolerable. And yes, edible is the marker!

  11. That sounds like a fun experiment and hats off to you for helping create a lovely bridal gift via freecycle.

    1. I hope she manages it. She's got high hopes anyway.

  12. I love it when people are creative with their recipes and it looks like yours turned out well indeed! Experiments are good! (And I'm a Joe fan, too.)

    1. I like to experiment. You never know what you'll get. Some people, I know, like to be more sure.

  13. Replies
    1. It really is. More than I'd expected, beans being pretty neutral.

  14. There are never failures when experimenting with recipes. It’s all a learning process and most of the time the end product is still eatable. I hope the weather continues to warm for you. Ours has cooled right down

    1. I don't think I've made anything inedible yet though I have done some unusual combos. At the moment it's the high winds making temps feel much colder. I'd like them to move on

    2. The only truly inedible meal I've made was the one where the shaker lid on the black pepper had been taken off, unbeknownst to me. I unscrewed the (regular) lid, shook, and the entire contents fell into the pasta dish. OOPS.

      Chris from Boise

    3. Well, yes, that sounds dire.

  15. Two different textured beans BUT ... I love that you played and gave it a go and used what you had. If you ever fancy, cannellini makes a wonderfully creamy hummus. Oh my yum. And, they also work well blended with mangos for ice pops and ice cream. Happy Cooking and Happy Playing!!!!


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