Friday, February 21, 2025

Thrills, no spills and sunshine

 I was determined to walk today, because my spirits get very low when I don't, and recently what with ice and Helen, it's been too risky.

Anyway, sunshine today 

What they call a moderate wind and I call a bitter blast, but I really needed to get out.

As soon as I stepped outside, the adventure began. My door locked itself behind me. I don't take my keys when I walk, no need. 

There's a snap lock for the cleaning family, they can lock without using a key, when they leave, and the other lock which needs a key. I never use the snap lock, but it evidently had got turned inside the door to the locking position. Oh.

Then I remembered my emergency keys in an undisclosed location. Requiring a climb up. I usually use the stepladder stored in there, but the last user had returned it with the steps facing the wall. I can't lift and turn it to get at the step I need to reach the keys. Oh, again. 

Then Carol Cane saved the day -- reached up, hooked the keys onto the handle, bingo. Managed to unlock the door, stiff, unused key, and then had to return them to the UL.

I couldn't reverse the hooking idea but found an unopened paint can to stand on, juuuuuust reached the hook. All fine now.

And when I finally made it out, it was beautiful. 

Bitter cold wind but I was insulated, remnants of light snow yesterday. 

Down there on the right I found a small cinder block in the trees which I carried home for yet another item to prop up the lavender container. Did I mention it's on a slope? Now there's an assortment of bricks, rocks and other items trying to keep it in place. We'll see. 

So I counted this as a series of successes. Small, but you take them where you find them.

And the landscape at home, speaking of fridge magnets,  here's the max stuff I have on my fridge, long past the days of Handsome Son's artwork!

Bits of art by friends, voting proof, librarian support sticker. On the left, my DNR form where EMTs would see it as soon as they come in the front door.

On the side where you don't see, unless you're working at the counter, various reminders, and a butterfly Chris will recognize.

You'll notice apples and potatoes feature here, I wonder why.

Here's a Portuguese take by cartoonist Zez Vaz, on our current situation. He's at

Happy day everyone, small stuff is okay, life's made of small stuff.

Now more than ever.


  1. That's a good idea to have an emergency neighbour has mine...but what if she is out? Something to sort when I return to Scotland!

    1. And you can't count on a neighbor to remember where she put the key! I've had a neighbor rummaging through bunches of keys and tools and things in the kitchen drawer, no idea where she'd put it safely.

  2. It's good you were able to get out in the brisk, fresh air. As far as I know the spare key is still where it's supposed to be. Carrying a cinder block is no easy effort. Weight lifting is helping! Somedays the little things are all I've got.

    1. It occurred to me later that carrying the cinder block was actually pretty good. I didn't think of it at the time. My free weight work works!

  3. What a relief you could reach your emergency key or that would have been one very disappointing attempt to reduce the stress in your life. Speaking of stress, there’s STUFF on the refrigerator and I can’t do anything about it. I need a pill.

    1. Yes, key stress is pretty bad. I should have posted a trigger alert so you could scroll quickly past the fridge.

  4. I’d call the key adventure as a big win. I’d hate to think you were locked out in the cold. I should keep spare keys here as well. For just in case. I think I might just take a leaf out of your book and organise that.

    1. That mention of the key may have been a public service.

  5. Oh my goodness - you can have an adventure all on your own! Perhaps you should give Gary a key, just in case. I hope you take your phone when you go walkabout too (I'm sure you do).
    I've never been a fan of 'stuff' on the fridge and was very happy to see an end to the need to display masterpieces by our sons. They would slam the fridge door and there would always be a shower of paper on the floor which, of course, they didn't notice.

    1. I never take a step without my phone including in the house! As for Gary, no, he loses stuff all the time, phone, keys, wallet. I've searched many a time for his car and house keys. He has a set in my undisclosed location for this reason!

  6. Glad you made it back inside. Burrr....

    1. Yes, I was glad too. A bit cold to be stuck out in the wind.

  7. Thank heavens there were no spills in all your shenanigans. Glad you got out on your walk eventually, wind or no wind. Sunshine is so refreshing at this time of the year. Well done on carting that cinder block home!

    Chris from Boise

    1. After the key debacle, I was more determined than ever to walk. Sunshine is lovely no matter what. It's cloudy days I don't like so much.

  8. Scary to have that door lock behind you on a cold day! Glad you finagled getting the spare key. Small successes are to be celebrated in my book!! :)
    LOVE the cartoon!!! :)

    1. Yes, a bit of a jarring moment. I like the cartoonist a lot. There's a lot of good material on his website.

    2. Small depends on the situation! It felt quite big at the time.

  9. Yay for Carol Cane, saving the day like that! Your fridge magnets are orderly and purposeful, not like the big bulletin board mess on my fridge. I should post a photo too. Mitchell of Moving with Mitchell has really started something with his rant against fridge magnets, hasn't he, lol!

  10. P.S. Love that political cartoon too. Tank guy, meet Swasticar guy.

    1. He's great. Check his website for more good stuff, too

  11. Love the swasticar. Thanks for your daily resist reminders.

  12. Great meme with the cybertrucks. So true. Glad you could get into the house.

  13. We missed our walk today. I called it off because my back was gamey.

  14. I heard a story about a woman who lived somewhere in one of the Slavic countries for a time, and she stepped outside very quickly in her bathrobe...and the the door shut and locked behind her. She was horrified. Because she had no underwear on, she could not climb through the window. So she was standing there, helplessly, and a few neighbors saw her and came to see if the American woman was okay, and using her fractured language skills, she tried to explain why she couldn't go through the window. Some one did it for her, but her language skills were worse than she thought. Everyone was so kind to her for weeks afterwards. They thought she had tried to tell them she couldn't go through the window because she was pregnant.

    We have a door code, and boy, that is nice.

    I did not walk today.

    1. My neighbor has a door code and found it only works when the battery is up! He keeps A spare key in my UL for when he can't get in!

  15. I know your heart sank when you heard that door lock behind you. One of those moments...
    But you figured it out, got it done, and got your walk in too. Success indeed!

    1. I was determined to walk after all that! Victory march.

  16. Also- there was one of those hideous ice-machine trucks in the parking lot at Publix yesterday right across from where I parked. There is absolutely nothing about those things that is appealing or even looks practical.

    1. I've only seen one, looked like a motorized dumpster.

  17. It's been too cold to walk here but next week should be better and I am looking forward to getting out again.
    One of my refrigerator magnets is "Kamal Harris 2024". How different our world would be if she had won.

    1. I don't have the heart to delete my screenshots of the Harris campaign memes.

  18. Mr B finally installed a key safe for me (our door did not have a handle on the outside so key needed every time), but talk about make it complicated: first i have to negotiate a locked side gate (stand on the trailer to climb over), then open the key safe to get the garage key, then remember his UL inside the garage to retrieve the house key. I have contemplated living in the garage on more than one occasion having arrived home keyless to discover he's gone sailing.


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