Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today's cute winter boots, immigrant rights

Here's what's up today. I've sent away for my cards, which I will leave around in places like the library, and give to friends.

At home, the Sock 'n Glove Ministry continues, probably needed all the more now 

This yarn is interesting. It's braided rather than plied, and creates a lovely warm springy fabric, good for socks.   After this pair, I have enough yarn to double the threads and knit gloves. 

It's friendly to knit, a contrast to that brilliantly colored yarn I've been using, which fights every step.  It looks lovely when done but I don't look forward to knitting it. 

However it's what I was issued with, so I feel I need to use it. The socks have certainly been well received, so there's that. 

This yarn is much more restful. Right now there's enough fighting without having your yarn joining in.

Happy day everyone, looking forward to tomorrow's Misfits, because there's an interesting tofu idea I plan on after the halibut is gone, along with the Spanish Fork potato croquettes.

Meanwhile Hamish Macbeth is still going.

We can keep going too, and thank you everyone who is doing their bit of resisting the current evil administration, even though it's uncomfortable to do it. 

We need to be able to look back in future years, no matter how it goes,  proud of what we did to fight back.


  1. Your very quick knitting socks. And gloves.
    I’m very sure they will be gratefully accepted

    1. Gloves are quick, but I've been slower with socks after being detoured onto the granny square lapghan. They seem to be well received.

  2. I love the idea of fighting your yarn!

    1. It's annoying in practice, a little jolt at every stitch!

  3. Multiliingual "Know Your Rights" cards -- great idea and action!

    1. Vital to use many languages. And it's an easy action.

  4. If any of us are wondering who the best organizations to donate to are, ACLU and Planned Parenthood come immediately to my mind.

  5. Thank you for more useful info. I also saw more on the Feb. 28th economic boycott on Joanne's blog,
    I'm planning on joining that.

    1. Joanne's a follower and participant here. Everyone can do something!

  6. I like the look of the yarn. Another interesting meal is coming our way. I do enjoy your cooking excursions.

    1. I like to do interesting food so as to maintain my interest. It's too easy, old and solo, to slip into tea and toast. I'm determined to do better.

  7. Every day. Worse and worse. Ukraine -- breaking my heart.

    1. I'm hoping NATO comes through for Ukraine. They have a lot at stake.

  8. They count on people not knowing their rights so those cards are a good thing.
    Nice socks that will keep someone warm - and I think you're right that the need is greater now than ever before and bound to get worse unless something changes.

    1. I think you can always count on hardship for the poorest.

  9. Essential CWB (cute winter boots) reading:
    Greetings from Switzerland a

  10. Being housebound the immigrant cards would be wasted on me. But I can email and annoy members of congress--lol!
    When I could still knit...I couldn't knit those complicated things you make. My skill level was more uneven squares and rectangles--lol! :)

    1. Thank you for annoying our MOCs. They're paid to take it. In the group I knit for, who forward my work to the special project, I'm the only sock and glove knitter. The other members tell me it's like magic!

  11. Hey Boud. What is the brand of the yarn? I like that it's springy.

    1. I don't think I have the ball band, but if I find it, I'll post the info.


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