Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Snow, Sand and SCOTUS

 I woke up to this scene 

Plumber due this morning, meanwhile today's cute winter boots 

I called twice and the line went dead when their announcements finished. Twice. Maybe flooded.
So I emailed Chief Justice Roberts demanding he uphold the laws the current president and his staff are breaking, and not to defer to fascism.
That got through 

Copy and paste the link in the screen shot. That's only a quotation, not a useable link, in case you didn't realize. Please assume that any link in my screenshots will not take you to the origin. I didn't realize I needed to explain till May pointed it out, thank you.   Or go to the site directly.

Anyone can do this. Took a few minutes. But masses of people doing it add up to a lot of sand. Whole dunes of it. Don't fall, call! Don't fail! Email!

Posting quickly, to get the word to you faster.


  1. Adding, that on the US Supreme Court website, there is a feature to send the Public Information Office and email.

    1. That's what I did. It's currently the best option. As I said, anyone can do this.

    2. It's right there on the section I screenshot.

    3. As a point of information, not a live link.

  2. I hope Drump’s SCOTUS plants are under that snow!

  3. Great information to have! I hope you are toasty!

    1. I think we're all getting an education into useful info! Thank you, I'm warm, after clearing my car.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! All encouragement warmly accepted.

  5. Burrrr, stay warm! Burrrr. I enjoy winter, though am so excited for flowers too. Bring on spring. Immmmaaa ready.

    1. I'm not a fan of winter, so I look forward to spring

  6. Thank you, Boud! You are our leader!

  7. Is it normal to get snow this late? I know I say it all the time. But it’s so pretty lol
    Good on you for making your feelings known. Keep those emails going. Small ripples can make a tsunami

    1. This is midwinter. We can get snow as late as April, most often late March

  8. I'm so proud of you for being such a good advocate and sharing your knowledge with those who can act upon it. We made a quick pit stop into a grocery store yesterday and it was gratifying to see some almost empty areas that obviously were holding 'made in Canada' items and, right beside them, the US equivalent fully stocked. I know you're on the opposite side of that equation because we live in different countries but it's still good to see Canadians finally looking out for ourselves.

    1. We all need to be activists as far as we can.

  9. One person by themselves can't make a difference but many people together can. Thank you for the reminder.

  10. You went to the top. Well done, Boud. You give the world hope.

  11. Let's hope it doesn't come to this:
    Will copy the article and sendit to SCOTUS ...
    Best from Switzerland

    1. Robert Reich has been talking sense for decades, and continues. Yes, do send it, thank you.

  12. Thanks for the link. The snow look pretty.

    1. It looks pretty, till it doesn't! Glad the information is useful.

  13. From what I've been reading in several articles, it seems none of the phone lines are open, sounds like they're purposely leaving the mailboxes full and not answering the phones. I wake up sometimes at night thinking about all the stuff he and Musk have done that is horrible for the country, and the world. I just don't know how we'll make it 4 years. So many people already affected in a negative way. So much that they've done is not even legal, and yet...they keep going. Sorry you woke up to cold and snow. Seems many locations are getting nasty weather, stay warm.
    Sandy's Space

    1. As far as ice is concerned it's fine if the tiplines are out. Then good people are a bit protected from being reported.


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