Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Good things also happen

 Here's the latest repatriation of stolen art

There was wholesale looting of art from Benin during the colonial period, so it's good to see some items returned. Late is better than never.

And in anticipation of Handsome Son's visit this afternoon I made sugar cookies. It was another trial of using aqua faba instead of an egg. 

Right, cookies ready to bake, left, extra dough to freeze for a later batch 

As usual I put them too close, so there are interesting shapes there. That squashed one on the right became the cook's privilege, and it was good.

Enough to give some to Gary, some to freeze, some to other neighbors. 

Thanks, Nicole, for the idea.

And today Senator Kim got back thanking me for my encouragement about the House budget proposal vote, where all Democrats voted in unison against it, plus one GOP. It went down but it's only step one. 

Meanwhile we can push to support Democrats in upcoming House elections, some special ones. The House is so close it's possible to reclaim it. Florida voters, you've got a chance here. 

Happy day everyone! I'm feeling more hopeful in some ways, less in others but I'm not about to flag or stop. 

I'm very grateful to Trudeau for his Ukraine speech recently and for his White House press conference where he repeatedly corrected the lies T***p was telling. It was great. It told regular Americans he understands our passion to overcome that person's destruction, and is undismayed by him. 

We're fighting for our lives here, as well as for Ukraine,  and he gets it. 



  1. Macron shows what a real leader is like!

  2. Replies
    1. They are crisp outside, softer inside. Nice

  3. It always makes me happy to think of artwork being restored to the area from which it came. I think about seeing Michelangelo's David in Florence where it was carved. Somehow I think that its power came, at least in a tiny part, from being where it was created. Is that silly?
    Those cookies look like the aqua faba worked pretty darn well.

    1. Yes, the David was intended to be there and I agree that it makes a difference.

  4. I must say that us Canadians are fighting for our lives too. The threat of being taken by force to become the 51st state is very real. We know our military wouldn't stand a chance against the power south of us.
    Cookies are good things - tasty but also a good activity to take our minds off the chaos out there.

    1. Desperate times call for home baked cookies!


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