Monday, February 10, 2025

Prompt plumber, AMA and Leonardo

Promptly at eight am, the plumber got back to me, and by nine am the downstairs toilet was fixed so it doesn't run all the time. The upstairs one was looked at and they're ordering a new one, same type and color --bone, if you wondered -- so far so good. The guy who came was the one who installed the current ones, so he knows his stuff.

He thinks he can get and install the new one today or tomorrow. 

Edit: update, Wednesday. 

This is important because it's the one off my bedroom, and it's much safer to use during the night than going, while half asleep, down the hall into the other bathroom which is laid out differently. That's asking for a fall.

Then I started the car, wheee, it started right up after several cold days, this is great. One tiny drawback was the patch of black ice on the driver's side. 

I was not eager to fall, so I navigated with great care. Then while the engine ran, I took out the garbage, then found the snow shovel and managed to break up and toss the ice. Much safer now.  It's so good to be able to fix my own ice! I feel quite capable again. 

See chunk of ice propped up against the curb to melt.

And I checked into the AMA YouTube channel for the latest virus and heart news.

Because art will save us all, I thought I'd share this 

This is unfortunately in the royal collection, available only for viewing and study by well connected academics.  The peasants don't get to see this and hundreds of other drawings. I strongly doubt that any of the royals ever browse there, in between dress and hat fittings and intra-family feuds.

Leonardo is a gift to the world, and my egalitarian little artist heart thinks everyone should be able to see and experience his work.  Meanwhile, I remember all the times I copied this and other master drawings as well as Leonardos,  as a student while learning to see a particular view of the turned head.  

It's all about the mechanics of anatomy and perception,  and you can get a whole education from studying and copying this one drawing. Then, after copying,  when you look again, you see it with a more educated eye.

Like this, I learned so much about the shape of the eye and the relationship of the eyelid, and used the knowledge in  doing this ink and wash, much later.

And here you can see the influences in this charcoal, ink and monotype mixed media piece.

Hard to see because of reflections, but you can get the gist.

Happy day everyone, and I hope your gist today is good.


  1. I'm glad your plumber is so prompt. Leonardo gave much to humankind. Thursday to Sunday unless cleared by Saturday morning.

    1. That's a pricy couple of days. As long as it's only every few years, I guess.

    2. Another reason to sell...

  2. Art will indeed save us all! That, and good plumbing.

    1. That way our ideas and our pipes will hold water!

    2. Misquoted from John Gardner, I now add in case anyone didn't realize, and credited me with one of his best lines.

  3. I love your work. That ink and wash is stunning. Please ask your plumber if has time for a quick trip to Córdoba?

    1. I did think of you when I got the call and he said he'd send the plumber in about half an hour! And did.
      Thanks for the nice words about the drawing.

  4. Hooray for prompt and efficient plumbers! I'm sure you already have a night light in the other bathroom, just to be safe.

    1. Yes, lights all over. It's never really dark here.

  5. Yay for a good plumber. You did well to break up that ice, Boud. Love your work!

    1. Thank you for the nice words about the drawing. I really enjoyed busting up the ice, feeling I've still got it!

  6. Thank you for the link to the AMA YouTube channel. I've been worried about not having access to some of those statistics anymore. People like you give me hope that we'll get through this dark period, somehow.

  7. You're welcome, Jennifer. Just my small bit.

  8. Leonardo was a genius. I used his proportioned man theory often. The length of your arm from elbow to wrist is the length of your foot. I would measure that and knit a surprise pair of socks. Also saved me from remeasuring my foot all the time.

  9. Just getting someone to show up is a major ordeal, isn't it? I guess that's why we do so much for ourselves. It's hard to rely on anyone else.

    1. Around here it's pretty easy. Quite a few established tradesmen, and I'm an old customer of this family business. Did business with the present owner's father first!

  10. Nice to know your plumber remembers...good work on that ice. I like very much the character conveyed in the first of your studies shared today.

  11. It sounds as though you're (almost) sorted again, which is good.

  12. After years of silliness, we had our two toilets replaced last year. The expense was worth it. They have those self-lowering seats, which are nice. I give them a little push and down they go. The trouble is that I find myself pushing in toilets that don't have that feature, so the seat goes down with a bang.

    1. One of mine is like that. I'm not sure what the advantage is, but there you are.

  13. I do very much like that ink and wash. A lot going on in those simple lines.

  14. Thank you. I'm glad you got something from seeing it.

  15. Because I am reading a book that involves artists' models, I am wondering about the woman who posed for Leonardo for that lovely sketch. I wonder if she got a crick in her neck for not moving while he drew. ;)

    1. Being a good model is all about being fit. I wonder if she was. It takes great physical strength to model well.

  16. Agree about Leonardo. Good news about the plumbing. I enjoy it when you show your art.

  17. I agree. Ice and falling equal not fun times. Glad you made it back okay and the car started. Woohoo! And here's to the bathrooms working. Good news indeed.

    1. Things are looking better, yes. Still one toilet, one house cleaning, one doctor appointment to go.

  18. I’m glad your on a winning streak.
    Toilets fixed, car running and no falling on the ice
    I would call that a great day

  19. Ice is so dangerous! I would take many feet of snow instead. Glad you got the sidewalk cleared--kudos!
    I have always loved that head sketch by Leonardo. She has the most intricately braided hair! Don't know where I saw a picture of it, but now that I know it hasn't been on display and the royals probably haven't even seen it--I feel special. ;)
    And I love the eyes on your sketch! The eyes are everything! I have never gotten past getting to be a good copier. That is still my goal--lol! :)


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