Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Resistance today, and Textiles and Tea

Here's how you can help the resistance: if you have a blog, please show these pictures to your readers. This is your mission, if you choose to accept it.

There were massive protests all over the country on Presidents Day, NO coverage from mainstream media. We have to do it ourselves, modern-day samizdat.

Here's just one

And here's the ad that the Washington Post first agreed to run, then chickened out on. Trigger alert, picture of M**k.

Thank you. This is a valuable cute winter boots work you can do,  all set up for you. 

And here's a chance at a bit of fun while flooding an inbox

Then there's art, another form of powerful being and making. Today's Textiles and Tea featured an amazing young artist, Crystal Gregory.

She creates enormous installations, using cotton fiber and industrial materials such as concrete, molten pewter, drywall, ballchain. 

She's considering the contrasts and comparisons of hard and soft, rigid and flowing, transparency and solidity, in modern life and society.

Just look.

This was a museum presentation, with dancers climbing and interacting with the weaving. She also moved the concrete tubes regularly, like inanimate dancers.

Knitted work here, embedded in concrete 

Left,  Anni Albers, groundbreaking artist of the Bauhaus, who came to Black Mountain to work and teach away from Nazi Germany. Right is Crystal Gregory, showing Albers influence on her work.

This is an artist to follow. Upcoming shows in Tribeca, Asheville, Vermont and other places, which she's going to put up on her website. Check her out!

Happy day everyone. Breathe, resist, find a bit of fun, too.


  1. I complained to the Washington Post about the not running a certain cartoon and the b's used my email address to sign me up for news notifications. It took a second try before the unsubscribe worked.

  2. Crystal Gregory's installations are pretty impressive! I'm so worried about Ukraine right now. What evil rip-off collaboration is going on between Trump and Putin under the guise of "peace negotations?" And why is the US even involved?

    1. We are, or were, major provider of arms because Ukraine has been fighting our proxy war with Russia.
      Gregory is terrific artist, very good at explaining. I bet she's also a terrific teacher -- professor at u of Kentucky.

  3. Crystal is doing beautiful work. One to follow for sure!

  4. OMGosh! That textile art is absolutely amazing! I had to go back and look at it all again.
    It was surreal to hear that T and M did a co-interview on Fox! So glad to see the not my president protests on president's day. Love it! :)

    1. It's definitely worth seeing more than once. And yes, large protests on No Kings Day.

  5. That New York demo was amazing. The Michigan capitol one was canceled due to brutally cold weather.

  6. I'm surprised that the protest in NYC didn't show up on our news here (but perhaps it did and I just missed it). I know there's a lot of discussion amongst the US bloggers I follow and the fact that they refused to acknowledge the day and instead posted good things about Joe instead.
    Enjoyed seeing the T&T today and especially interested in the embedding of knitting into concrete.

    1. I hope Canadian news covered the 50501 protests. It affects their readers and viewers.
      Yes, the combo of knitting and concrete is cool!

  7. USA Today online has posted many pictures of protests from all over the country.
    Other news outlets have as well. I am hoping that this movement grows as more people do become aware of it.

  8. I think my head has been in the sand. I didn't know about this until this morning. I have to check to see what happened in St. Paul. We were double digits below zero for a lot of the day. I shall repost the photos.

    1. Thanks so much for reposting. Samizdat, 2025 style.

  9. We had a protest here too. All up and down the Oregon cost.

  10. I am sharing the images even though I'm in Wales.

    1. That's wonderful, Liz. It's important for your readers to know this is happening.

  11. I'm so glad to see these demonstrations to know we are not alone.

    1. I agree. They're good for morale, to see crowds who peacefully show we're against the coup.

  12. Wow that loom is huge. You would need a craft room just for that!
    It’s heartening to see people are revolting against MAGUS. Let’s hope it’s not too little too late

    1. A huge studio is a requirement!
      The revolution is not too little, nor too late. T is losing ground and dozens of lawsuits already. He's underwater in approvals for firing his own supporters in fed jobs.

  13. We must protest every way we are capable of.


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