Saturday, February 1, 2025

White rabbits, St Brigid, and useful info

Here's information on getting health information when CDC is muzzled

This is today's psa!

White rabbits, and Happy St Brigid's Day. Among other things she's the patron saint of snakes, appropriate in the Year of the Snake.

And here's Edith Holden 

And here's the second proofing of the cinnamon raisin bread.

Steve the YouTuber used two loaf pans clipped together to make a PMDO -- poor man's dutch oven! 

I don't have two,  so after breaking the dough and restirring it, I rolled the dough into my one loaf pan, and improvised the top with tinfoil. I don't have his glass mixing bowl, but my ancient Tupperware worked okay. And I don't have plastic wrap, which he used for the overnight proofing, but tinfoil worked okay. And I didn't have bread flour, so I used golden whole wheat.  Aside from all that, exactly the same!

Here's the result, chewy, dense and really good 

Making good food is part of resisting -- keeping up your health and spirits. 

So, happy day, everyone, do that and enjoy what you can. If we let the bad guys get us down, they will have won.


  1. The year of the snake seems appropriate, somehow - shame for the snakes, though.

    1. They're beautiful and wise, so I hope we get good vibes!

  2. That bread looks so good. Glad you at least had raisins, flour, and cinnamon.

  3. I think I’d like to go down the rabbit hole today, with the raisin bread.

  4. A wonderfully uplifting post Boud, thank you! I can smell that bread from here :) Happy February!

    1. Thank you. I think it's important to keep each other's spirits up, by taking action.

  5. I adore cinnamon raisin anything, bread, bagels, muffins, carrot cakes. Just a bunch of yum. Right now though, no raisins allowed in the house. Bug somehow, no matter how out of reach we place them, gets a hold of them. Happy Baking and Eating!

    1. That's too bad. I had mine stored in the freezer.

  6. Thanks, Boud. That's a good idea about checking health info from other countries.

    1. A lot of it will be applicable to our own situation, so I'm glad to pass it on.

  7. I like raisin toast, but I seem to be in the minority in my little clan.

    1. Maybe you can order it when you breakfast out.

  8. I've always relied on the Mayo Clinic for information but perhaps even they can't be trusted anymore.
    Your raisin bread looks SO good!! Must plant the desire for some in the direction of the RC.

    1. I think they can be trusted, but they deal with individual ailments, v diagnosis and treatment. The CDC and equivalent are informing about vaccines, incoming viruses, etc. so we know what to protect ourselves from. If we can.


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