Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Joy, too, has a place

Tuesday Knitting Group was in fine fettle, with a show and tell of a hand stitched Swiss top, the boned corset that goes over the frilly blouse and with the dirndl skirt. This was made by the mother of the knitter showing it to us. There's also a piece that goes around the neck and a lace trimmed hat.

And purse handles and a wonderful beaded and fringed purse. These are from her family, a very interesting group.

There was knitting, too,in case you wondered, also crochet 

This is my current ministry sock knitting 

And here's a sweater in progress by a new member, working from a paper (!) pattern, after many years away from knitting.

The double sided knitting is almost finished.

Group chat ranged over boning for underwear, 9.11, "Come From Away", knitted frogs, commuting, parking permits, balance training, tai chi, qi gong, ants, teaching singing, Sears Roebuck kit houses, and more.

Back home again, Handsome Son visited, approved the raisin cinnamon toast, made short work of it, and we discussed possible last ditch plans if my social security goes away. We also agreed not to panic, neither of us having the henny penny gene.

Very good day today. 

Happy day everyone, keep your cute winter boots laced up ready.


  1. Surely, even T or M would not interfere with your pension.

    1. Gop has been trying to destroy social security since Reagan. And we can't assume anything since Roe was overturned.

  2. I love the variety of beautiful projects. I’m trying not to worry about Social Security. I can’t imagine the Drumpf-Skum could get away with it. Then again, I never thought the Orange Menace could be president the first time.

    1. We never thought Roe could be overturned, either.

  3. That Swiss corset does not look comfortable.

    1. She made it to fit herself, and it's flexible. I think it was fine in use.

  4. There's indeed a lot to worry about these days. Social Security should never, ever be one of those things and it's a tragedy that it has become so. I don't know how to knit, but now think I may start to crochet again, it's a calming endeavor. Much needed in times of trouble.

    1. Yes, getting back into crochet would be good. Maybe meeting your group again, too.

  5. I simply cannot imagine how the donaldAH would be able to get away with messing with the social security without a massive revolt; but, as you say, who knew that Roe vs. Wade could be overturned. Worrying times. Thank goodness for things like knitting groups.

    1. Yes, at the group we talk about anything other than the current situation, and it's a relief.

  6. Remember when Social Security was referred to as "the third rail" in politics? Turns out that if you just turn off the electricity of the entire system, there is no problem in touching it. Sloppy metaphor but I'm sure you get what I mean.
    As always, very interesting pictures from knitting group.

    1. Our new normal, I'm so glad for fiber arts.

  7. I don't understand why SS and Medicare are in the general budget anyway. They are both paid for by their own specific tax. It's not part of the general budget.'s good to know you and HS and a nice time and talk together.

    1. I think very few people understand how social security is funded and works.

  8. A hand-stitched corset? holy moly, that sounds like hard work.

    1. She was a professional dress maker, beautiful work.

  9. Come from Away is about central Newfoundland during 9/11, as you know. It was in the days without the threat of tariffs. A sign of how people should treat each other. We lived there at that time.

    1. One of the group is going to see the production in Philadelphia this weekend.

  10. What an interesting group of talented ladies! So nice to have rambling group conversations. :)

    1. It's a nice local group, and the convo always ranges far and wide.

  11. I think doing away with Social Security would be political suicide for the Republicans, but I've been wrong before. My grandmother had a clutch purse like that, with shorter tassels, from the '20s.

    1. Gop as far back as Reagan have been trying to attack social security.
      This purse, D tells me, is from the thirties. You could still use it with evening gear, I think.

  12. My thinking has come down to "we'll all be in this together". i.e., out in the cold.

  13. Those are some very cool items to show and tell about. Would love to run my fingers over that beaded purse.

    1. D has some amazing family stuff in her basement. From a family of makers, clothes, millinery, fine stitching.

  14. That corset is amazing. I've heard of bone corsets, never seen one.

    So glad you have an outlet like your library groups to discuss all manner of non-politics.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It's what brits would call a corselet, for outside the blouse to make a shape of the upper body. This one was beautifully stitched.
      Yes, we are probably all like minded, but usually stick to interesting non politics. For me, living alone, it's vital to have a social group.

  15. What's this datacalypse thing (8000 websites shut down by the Orange one)? Any news?

    1. What's your source? First I've heard of it.

    2. Webpage not sites. Most saved offline by regular agency workers.

  16. Love the stuff you made. What fun! I made two bags now and one of them I love, love, love to use when I go out. So small and cross over strap just works! Love that. Back in the day our Barnes had a Stitch n' Bitch club. Women sat in the cafe with their yarn and yapped. Never really heard them bitching. Lots of laughing though.


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