Thursday, February 13, 2025

Toilet detente, Misfits, cute winter boots

Finally the house plumbing is working again, not without some struggle with the plumber, a good old boy who doesn't take instructions too well.

He did arrive as arranged, with the correct toilet, fixed the one which needed the mechanism, installed the new one. He managed to crack a few tiles removing the old one, which I will get my contractor friend to look at.

And there was an interesting dialogue 

Boud: please reuse the wooden seat from the old toilet 

Lyndon the Plumber: can't be done. It's welded tight, can't remove it. Also the new one comes with a seat.

Boud: I installed the wooden seat by hand, no tools, but never mind, just go with the new one 

L the P: oh

Later, checking the installation, there's the wooden seat all in place. Not the plastic one that comes with.  Probably on his truck.

So I emptied my wallet into the Plumbers Benevolent Fund, and today's another day.

While awaiting Misfits box today I did today's cute winter boots 

Called ICE tipline to report illegal immigrant Musk. 1-866-347-2423.  They've been flooded and have stopped accepting phone calls. But they gave the online address to file a report. 

So I went to and filed my complaint there, removing all my personal information. They've accepted the report. 

I had a great time describing him as an illegal immigrant of South African origin,a cyber criminal currently defrauding US taxpayers. Addresses White House and Maralago.  

Here's the thing: while they're flooded it stops them from getting tips on other immigrants. And you can file from outside the US, as well as inside.

On to lovely food.

Jeff arriving with the box

And here be user error. I checked my order when I noticed two bags each of potatoes and apples. I appear to be operating in distracted mode, clicking on two when I meant one. 

So I had planned on potato carrot spicy soup this afternoon anyway. I'll have to check out potato recipes.  And maybe apple ones, too. Pie, pasty, crumble, hm.  Too much of a good thing might be wonderful.

But oh well, it's all lovely food and it comes right to my front step, not much to moan about.

About Helen Hip, I had an appointment with an orthopedist tomorrow but feel too stressed with cleaners coming tomorrow too, doesn't fit well.  Too much going on this week.  

So I now have an appointment in early March instead. I notice that since I've resumed my qi gong, Helen's doing better. I even started the hip exercises again.  I'm hopeful.

Happy day everyone, do your bit to resist! And remember it's not about making ourselves feel better. It's about trying to make good trouble. I feel terrible, afraid and weak and old. But I am not going down without a fight! 

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day which I think is about friendship, and here's someone who certainly deserves loving greetings 

 Meanwhile for the more traditional 


  1. So the Orange Peril is relying on us deeply divided Europeans to safeguard "peace" in Ukraine? Without even consulting us? As Timothy Garton Ash has it, "this makes Neville Chamberlain look like a principled, courageous realist" (source: The lights are indeed going out all over [Europe].
    Will put on my cutest winter booties and wear them for days on end.
    On a lighter note: potato latkes can be frozen and make lovely individual portions. Here's how:
    Troubled greetings from Switzerland

    1. Thank you for being an ally. And for the reminder about latkes. I haven't made them in ages, and they're so good.

  2. Great rebellion and support of democracy tips. Thanks! I love when we end up with too many apples in the house. It gets SG baking. Potatoes aren’t the same for me, since I don’t eat a lot. SG would be in heaven. Wonderful cartoon.

    1. I don't think it's a huge problem, though it was a mistake. The food, I mean. Not the cute winter boots.

  3. You are brave to cancel an appointment with a specialist. Here, I am wondering how many months I would have to wait for another one.

    1. The only one I ever had to wait long for was my dermatologist. My own primary is very busy, so I book well ahead. Everything else is ask and get. This is a region packed with doctors!

  4. The last time I made applesauce I was stunned at how many apples it took to make not much sauce. So that's one thing you could do if you simply have too many to deal with. And don't latkes go well with applesauce?
    Could we report Melania to illegal immigration? I think that if they did some research they might find that she may have lied on some of the questions she had to answer when she came into the country.
    Lyndon sounds like a character. At least the work is done. Except for the tiles, of course.

    1. That's a great idea about Melania and the Einstein visa and the anchor baby. Go ahead!
      Another good idea about latkes and applesauce, too. I never make applesauce, but maybe I'll think about it.

    2. Once you make homemade applesauce you’ll never eat store bought again

    3. Homemade applesauce is delicious. I make it with cinnamon and some brown sugar. Cane sugar would be good too.

    4. I used to make applesauce many years ago. Never had store bought so I don't know about that.

  5. Dobbing in people to the government. Now where have I heard of that before?
    And why oh why should it bother anyone, especially if you don’t even live in the USA. Madness
    I’ve been told you can freeze potatoes. Not sure if you have to blanch them maybe Google will help.
    Stewed apples do freeze well

    1. I think cooked potatoes can be frozen, not so sure about raw, but I'll check. I have to look up dobbing, but I can guess it.

  6. Thanks for the encouragement and info. Sending valentines.

    1. Good! You're very busy right now with your tenting and moving. I expect there will be sleeping when you get to your temp place.

  7. Toilet seats can be infuriating, for many reasons. One time one of my seats wasn't installed properly and I slid right onto the ground! Not a pretty sight....
    A surplus of apples and potatoes can be positive. Many things can be made with them. Potato pancakes?

    1. Definitely a falling or sliding hazard, yes.
      Thanks for the pancake suggestion, I hadn't thought of that.

  8. I just find myself really struggling today. I had a good cry. It doesn't seemed to have helped a bit.

    1. It's okay not to be okay. Everything is coming at us so fast and frightening.

  9. I made latkes last week, a tasty way to use some of those potatoes

  10. When dealing with tradespeople, it is not enough to trust them to get it right. I've failed to monitor them on a number of occasions, and I am annoyed with myself about one in particular.

  11. I agree - FLOTUS should be reported, too.

  12. I love that you reported Musk to ICE -- hahahahahahaha!

  13. Just thinking about the kettle of worms that statement from ice (I refuse to honour them by using capitals) opens up to people who simply hate their neighbour and decide to report them. Adds a whole 'nother level to hate crimes. I do, however, applaud you reporting the 'stinky one'. I also agree with reporting the orange missus (and doesn't the deporting apply to offspring as his kids could be gone too...isn't that fun to contemplate?!). Trying to make good trouble - such a great choice of words!

    1. The good trouble is a quotation from the great John Lewis, a Black man who literally put his life on the line for the vote. He was a young leader at the infamous Bloody Sunday at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, where police fractured his skull and threw him in jail.

  14. You can slice and freeze apples if you don't want to use them all now. Yes, make good trouble.

    1. The apples aren't an issue, often freeze extras. Potatoes are a bit more of one.

  15. I am still smiling about reporting Elon to immigration!! That just made my day!!
    Extra potatoes and apples sounds like a happy accident.
    Hurray for Reverand Budde!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

  16. Anyone can go online and report him ir any other person. Such as Flotus.


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