Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mayo, bread, soup

Today is a basic day. I made a gallon of laundry liquid, next comes stock, then soup, and bread. This is because I was out of all of them. I'll also take another try at mayo from aqua faba, the last try not working so well.

The  laundry stuff lasts ages, needing about half a cup per load, so at least 32 loads, which explains why I can't find the post about the last time I made it. It still seems to be a surprise when it runs out though.

Here's a screenshot from September, which might in fact be when I last made it, for people who fancy trying their hand.

Quarter bar (one ounce) castile soap, grated and melted in one cup water on the stove,  quarter cup each of washing soda and borax, stirred in the container half filled with water. Then add the melted soap solution, fill up with hot, not boiling, water, stir and stir. Leave 24 hours to cure, shake, use. I shake it every time because the contents can settle.

Done. Cheap. Very little shopping involved.

Oatmeal I got this week from Misfits will get into the oatmeal-whole wheat bread I am about to commit.

There's a bag of peeled carrots and a cooked sweet potato in the freezer, plus stock makings. By end of day it will be soup.

And maybe there will be tuna salad if the mayo works out. Aqua faba is a vegan egg substitute. I'm not vegan, (clearly, tuna?) but I like trying substitutes. Definitely for eggs which can only get more pricey. Especially since today's bank alert tells me the plumber cashed his $$$$ check.

On to cheerier things. I heard last night that an online friend on another platform saw yesterday's outdoor picture I'd posted there and her mood improved from seeing it. 

She'd been very down that morning, worried about her SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid and subsidized housing. Old lady who worked all her life until felled by leukemia, now hanging in at home. 

She has a lot to worry about and I was so moved that I'd unknowingly given her just a moment of feeling better. She's unsinkable, but even she needs a cheerful note now and then. So there's that. 

Hamish Macbeth continues and I think I'm near the end of the ebooks, oh dear. I may have to start writing more of them.

Happy day everyone, and if you're up for cutting way back on buying 

A word of encouragement there!


  1. I'm glad you brightened her day! We are debating the cost and purchase here today. Will purchasing one show an improvement to consumer spending? We know we are "no spending" on Feb 28. But if we wait, will tariffs make it unaffordable. Grrrrr

  2. Love this post. I have been using aquafaba as well. I am lucky to get eggs from my SIL, she has chickens. I'm baking bread today too and you have a good idea with the oatmeal. Think I will do that as well. I too am worried about medicare and what will happen. I don't think it will be good. It seems no one can stop him.

    1. Adding a cup of oatmeal to seven cups whole wheat makes a lovely crisp but not tough crust. I added in cumin seeds to the dough, too.

  3. Curse all in power who put fear in the hearts of innocent people just trying to live their lives.

    1. Yes. I feel very protective of that friend. She survived Jim Crow once, now she's looking at it again.

  4. You have been very busy cooking and making. It all sounds so good.


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