Sunday, August 1, 2021

Tattie liftin'

August brings the potato harvest. Since I'm clearing the patio for the fence, I decided not to wait on the potatoes. The foliage looked wilted enough to be ready, and I wanted them out of harm's way. Contractors have big boots and need all the room I can give them.

So here's the story

They're yellow potatoes, like Yukon gold, and I grew them from peelings.

Next to steam and butter some for lunch. 

Farming's the life!


  1. Happy Potatoes!
    Do you have a farmer's hat?

  2. What a harvest from a handful of potato peelings! There is very little better than new potatoes, with a pat of butter.

    Nice butterfly sightings and glad you had some conducive-to-outdoors weather finally.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Hard to top the satisfaction of getting a few potato skins to yield several meals.

  3. Oh, hurray! We are still eating the potatoes from our garden and they are so good. I know you will love yours too.

    1. Every year I grow a container, and really love my great big harvest. These are particularly good, a nice variety of yellow potatoes that are great roasted.

  4. They are lovely. Can't have enough new potatoes!

  5. I just had a feed of new potatoes this week too -- yum! With butter and dill.

    1. My neighbor's dill has been completely eaten by dusky swallowtail caterpillars! No chance of dill. But there's mint for a mint sauce.

  6. Very cool! I wouldn't have thought you'd get so many in that small of a container.

    1. They did well. This is the usual size of container and the usual harvest. I don't need a root cellar. Two or three meals, and very good.

  7. I've never grown potatoes, so I have no reference point, but that seems like a good amount of potatoes that were growing in that pot. I hope you are enjoying them!

    1. It's what I usually get. This made three meals. Two steamed and buttered, one roasted fries.

  8. mmmm - baby potatoes. The best!! Butter and pepper applied just makes them that much tastier. We picked some up at the farmers market earlier in the week and I'm hard pressed not to sit and eat them all.

    1. These are from those yellow potatoes I like so much. The texture came through true to form.


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