Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Robe updates and surprise, Misfits box

The main seams stitched, I tried the robe and it felt too snug for a casual item. Sooooo I opened the seams back up on both sides and inserted panels under the arms, wrist to hem, which gave a much better drape. 

As you see

Now to create a neck facing and cut it so the neck is a t shape. Then hem the cuffs, then attach patch pockets, finally finish the hem. It's below knee length, not too long, to avoid tripping on the stairs. After it's all done I'll decide if I want a belt. Plenty of fabric available. Possibly a hood, too. We'll see.

Then I will have a cosy robe for winter reading and whatever else takes place.  And big pockets to house whatever I need to lug about. This is particularly important for stairs, the fewer things in my hands the better.

And I know it's not Friday but Misfits appears to have changed my delivery day to Wednesday. I checked and they say I might lose my slot if I change it back. 

I think they're growing rapidly and organizing customers without mentioning it. This doesn't really matter. I can just change the frantic prep time.

And since this is how it is here

Notice the "feels like" bit. Guaranteed to make a person feel worse.

So here's my response 

Mid afternoon break, Misfits apricot with the last of the birthday cake, suntea. Lovely color and flavor combo as well as cool. Supper of Misfits salad in the background. 

It's good.


  1. The robe is coming along nicely. You won’t be long finishing it, I bet.

  2. Yes, I like how the robe is coming along.

  3. I love a robe with large pockets! You will enjoy that robe. We are all having quite a hot summer! It was 90F here at 9:00 tonight. Your misfits sure look good. I love Pita bread once in awhile too.

  4. You will be cozy and comfortable this winter in that robe!
    Your weather looks almost exactly like ours.
    Which is to say- uncomfortable.

    1. It's that time when it's impossible to imagine needing a coat, or shoveling snow! In winter I can't imagine needing sun tea at hand, and being so thankful for air con.

  5. I hear Gregorian chanting when I see photos of your lovely robe.

    1. Same pattern, in use since the middle ages! But I don't plan on wearing a rope belt.

  6. The robe is looking good so far. As for the Misfits change, you'd think they should at least have consulted with you on that. Odd. Still looks good though.


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