Saturday, August 14, 2021

Fresh picked flowers, veggies for roasting

Today aside from finding the newly immigrated buffalo bur weed, I picked fresh flowers for Doll Two, sitting in the hotel lounge, waiting for a cocktail.

And assembled vegetables from the freezer to prep for roasting and stuffing into pita bread. First pita in years, suddenly thought I would, when it showed up in the Misfits list. It smells excellent.

Celery, broccoli, onions, mixed mushrooms, sweet potato. Doused with olive oil, baharat, Old Bay, cardamom, Thai basil, salt. Dash of malt vinegar. They'll sit a while 

before I roast them. This will be a couple of days' supply. 475°f, 30 minutes.

And here's a warmed pita, stuffed with the roasted vegetables.  

I think this batch will make three pita sandwich stuffings. 

This is becoming a favorite way of vegetables for me. Surprising how reduced they are in roasting. And the flavor is great. Hard to go wrong.


  1. Roasting vegetables is a very good thing.

  2. My husband and I love roasted veg too. So tasty! We haven’t had pitas in ages! Hmmm…

    1. I really liked the veg stuffed pita. Maybe you'll try it.

  3. I'm going to try my hand at pasties again on Tuesday.

  4. I've not had a pita in ages. Must look for them at the market!

  5. She does look as though she is waiting for that cocktail and a handsome dashing man . Roasted veggies are so tasty - amazing how roasting brings out the flavour.

    1. Roasting is probably the best way to present veggies to people who aren't enthusiastic about them. surprisingly good!


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