Saturday, August 7, 2021

Plenty to write about..

Plenty of material today, what with current reading of David Rosenfelt's  nonfiction about his real life, not the first person he writes from in his dog related detective fiction.

All about dog rescue, which leads me to my own long history of strays showing up and applying to live here, cats and dogs, birds who cross my path like the lovely Emily Hope, a lutino cockatiel, not this one but this is right idea

More about all that another day. I have a lot of stories, some very funny.

Meanwhile I did shop a little for spinning material

  and yes, this is the actual stuff on its way. After the  robe is done, and relating to the upcoming doll. More later.

But mainly this is part of the reason I can't write much right now

Handsome Son's birthday tomorrow, don't know when he's free to come over for a dinner, but the cake is ready. And in the freezer is a large dish of chicken cordon bleu, which I'll serve with pasta in red sauce

That's the good part.

But tomorrow is a complicated day, since it's also Handsome Partner's anniversary. Always a difficult day with so many memories and swirling emotions even after ten  years.

So, bear with me. I have all kinds of interesting stuff to tell you, and not quite enough bandwidth right now.

I shall return.


  1. Sending a hug and wishes that you take easy for as long as necessary. Many happy returns to your Handsome Son.

  2. Happy Birthday Handsome Son!
    Hugs for you, Liz

  3. Take your time, dear lady. That is a LOT!

  4. Difficult day indeed. Sending a hug your way. Happy birthday to your son.

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! Please take care of yourself and know you have friends here that care. Hugs.

  6. since most all the neighbors had dogs all the stray cats came to my house. we took in quite a few over the years.

  7. Looking forward to those stray stories when you have the bandwidth to share them. In the meantime, hugs as you celebrate the beginning and the end of lives. Complicated, as you say. Happy birthday to Handsome Son - and the cake looks scrumptious!

  8. Happiest of Birth Day wishes to Handsome Son. It's a complicated day on many fronts for both of you.


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