Sunday, August 22, 2021

Updates on beaded figure and other exciting things

Last night we were visited by the edges of Hurricane Henri, many lightning bursts and thunder very close overhead, torrential rain. Cable signals knocked out earlier. A heroic soaked cable guy came out there in the rain  and the signal is restored. 

Handsome Son has a day off, unusual for a Sunday. As he says, just as well. Because this

Power restored in time to see this. 

Meanwhile, I read one of those very brief, beautifully photographed ebooks which would be very short indeed in paper form. Still nice though, very wabi sabi.

I like the philosophy of shopping in the closet for something to alter if you're ready for a new thing to wear. And of making repairs decorative instead of assuming they must be invisible.

Meanwhile I did get the Useful Robe pockets installed. Little notches echoing the neckline

It took a bit of adjusting to get them low enough to put my hands in without shrugging my shoulders. Patch pockets need to be lower than inseam ones because of the angle of your arms as you slip your hands in. They look floppy because it's terry. Floppy fabric.

I think I might add a strip to lengthen the hem, too. After I try on again I'll decide. It's been so hot that trying on a warm cloaky kind of robe is a bit uncomfortable. It's certainly going to be ready when the weather's cool enough to wear it.

Meanwhile here's a guided tour round the almost completed beaded figure head.

A bit more beading or couching, and I can get on to the body.


  1. We wondered how you fared with Henri - our weather maps say the area around you received between 4 and 7 inches of rain overnight (depending on weather station location). Wow! That's a lot of water! A good day to stay home!

    The beaded figure is more dramatic every day! Thanks for bringing us along for the process.

    Chris from Boise (very pleased with our 0.03" of rain that finally broke the heat)

  2. so the doll will have two faces?

    the robe is coming along. I think I would have placed the pockets a little more to the side as opposed to right in front.

  3. They don't work further apart. Can't get my hands in comfortably. That's why they're where they are. After trying a number of different placements. It's all about your own body shape. For you maybe further apart would work. Remember you're seeing them pulled together by the hang of the robe. On the body it's a bit different. I think they'll work for me.

  4. The doll is fancy. Glad the robe is going well.

  5. Glad that you fared relatively okay through the storm.

    1. Could have been much worse. There's a couple more days of rain, and we hope it keeps draining.

  6. All day I have thought of you, thinking, "Boud would never give in to this sort of silly despair! She would keep her hands and heart busy!"
    And look- you have! Beautiful.

    1. It was a bit worrying, and there was handsome son to be concerned about, too. So yes, best to be busy.

  7. The lady will need her head firmly on her shoulders to hold her head up, as she should. And will, I know.

  8. I love those nice big pockets! The beading and couching is beautiful. I'm looking forward to what is next!


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