Monday, August 16, 2021

Beaded figure update, fresh bread

While it's cool enough to run the stove for long enough, I baked bread. Wholewheat, sprinkle of seasalt on top.

Very nice crumb.

Baker's sample, warm, with Irish butter. 

And I've been moving along with the beading. Still more to go before I think hair.

Front view

Seen from top

Seen from base showing the area I'll use to attach it to the body

Left profile

Right profile.

The gaps you see are the next to work on.

I'm having various ideas about the body and dressing it. Plenty of fun to come.

And here's today's mail, from Goats Magosh


The sparkly dark roving might be involved in hair. Or skirt. We'll see.

Tomorrow will feature jigsaw puzzles, with any luck. Back then.


  1. The bread looks delicious. The bearing is pops taking shape too. Look forward to the progress.

  2. Replies
    1. A slice this morning with Irish butter was a very good breakfast.

  3. I can tell you're having a grand time with beads and her personality is definitely taking shape. I've only ever made one doll with beads (at least that I can remember doing). If you're interested, you can see her/him here....

    1. Blogger doesn't allow links in comments, so I'll look when I'm on a device which has cut and paste. Thank you!

  4. it's coming along. will be interesting to see how the body develops.

  5. Very nice, the beading is coming along well.

  6. Forget "reina". I am now thinking Amazing Santaria Creyente."


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