Sunday, August 29, 2021

Field and Fen takes a walk snd learns a thing or two

Aside from the mud from Henri and the new crop of mosquitoes today was good for walking.

I took a muddy trudge and found lovely sights.

Wildflowers on the first part, where the trees are and the ground's always moist

Jewelweed, supposedly its sap can treat poison ivy, which grows  abundantly right here

Pokeweed, probably good bird food
and, coming back through the streets, roses still with weeks to bloom yet

And next door after a chat with neighbor, all about gardening, I learned about the moringa, here a houseplant but in its native India, a good sized tree, also known as drumstick tree. 

Every part is edible, leaves, bark, pods, seeds source of various vitamins aside from looking nice.
She grew hers from seed, in a pot

So when I got home, I thought I'd see about seeds, looks like a thing I'd like to try and ordered a packet. I'll report further when they get here. 

Then while I was out walking this happened on the deck. 

No idea where the rest of it, or the former occupant, are.

I'm guessing it's a mourning dove egg. Right size, right pure white color. We have mourning doves nesting around and yesterday I saw an adult rushing about pecking up seed from the flowers, maybe because of new young.

I had a couple of cool ideas about the beaded figure, nothing to show yet, still musing. And I did not make dough beads, because I found I was down to the last of the doughballs, and needed it for lunch, with the last of the roasted vegetables. Last peach for dessert.

It all came out evenly. I think I may need more peaches before they're gone.


  1. We have a family of Song sparrows which hang out in our front year. One was decapitated last week and left on the walkway. Such a sad end for our morning serenader. Hope your mourning doves are okay.

    1. It's hard to witness nature red in tooth and claw. It's the reality though.

  2. I have heard of the moringa but did not know of its many benefits.
    Sounds like you've had a nice day. Raining here again. Good excuse to stay in and be cozy.

    1. It was unusually social. Two whole conversations! More than I've had in weeks. My neighbors are friendly but often absent.

  3. You always find interesting things on your walks. I miss that as I walked a lot when I could. Tanks for taking us along.

    1. I first got a digital camera to record my walks and meetings with neighbors after Handsome Partner could no longer walk with me. It was a way to keep him included. So I just continued after he was gone, snd put it on the blog. I'm glad you enjoy it.

  4. Lovely walk. Still much too hot to do that here.

    1. We're not out of hot weather quite yet, but just now it's lovely.

  5. Moringa is so much prettier a name than Drumstick tree I had to look up why it's called that. It was such a simple answer. :) Thanks for introducing me to yet another plant and its fascinating uses.

    1. I'd heard about it only a little while earlier! So you're as updated as I am.

  6. Interesting plant. I'm surprised since it is so versatile, it isn't all over the food news. I wonder what it tastes like.

  7. Beautiful roses. I hope they have some smell. Always disappointing when they don't

  8. Never heard of that plant, but it does look intriguing. The roses are so beautiful and I wonder if they smell as nice as they look. So often they propagate roses for their looks and they lose their wonderful scent.

    1. To both you and minimiss, the roses have no scent. Very few do now.


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