Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Planning, and enjoying the now, you can do both.

Today was cleaners day, which means getting out of the way so they can work in peace, finding local adventures and coming home to a clean house, yay.

Today was mercifully cooler, and I did a round trip of errands.

No prizes for guessing the destinations.

The first, though, is one you didn't know about. Because we may be in for a restricted winter of Covid precautions, I thought I'd check into new, to me, solo pastimes.

I've never been a jigsaw puzzle fan, but well, why not try it. I can always pass them on. However, I draw the line at spending money. That's why Freecycle was invented!

So I put a "wanted" post up, and within about ten minutes, warp speed, got an offer. Of a Fall scene. One thousand pieces. 

Bigger than my abilities and patience as a beginner and soloist. Not to mention table space. So I wrote back very politely explaining I am a beginner, and would have to pass. They were nice about it. Freecycle is so civilized.

Then, because I now realized I needed to be more specific, I edited the post to say 300-500 pieces. I was guessing since I don't know what they come in. Anyway another lovely person offered me these

And that was my first stop of the day. 


I'm thinking of winter and the store is already stocking up with firelogs. A bit depressing in a way. 

My huge biweekly grocery shop, about ten items

This bag was a Freecycle item, brand new, a while back. It's insulated, very handy, has a Velcro strip on the bottom. This is very useful because it stays upright in the car, held by the Velcro. It's also very annoying when you put it down inside the front door to retrieve your key from the lock, pick up the bag and it brings the doormat with you into the kitchen.

Then to the library to pick up the latest viewing pleasure among other things.

This is where I catch up with people who saw this already on TV. And I hope for captions, because the people talk funny.

On the way back, a stop at the farm to return berry containers and buy plum tomatoes and the best peaches in years. 

Yes, my own bags, a lot of mileage on them, they'll be worn out eventually.

The Great Heat and Rain have given us the best fruit in I dunamany years.

Then a quiet interlude in the park, tea and Worsley on Austen

So home for lunch in a clean, well lighted house, not off the floor, though I could.

Great summer lunch, between Misfits and farm. The colors alone are lovely.

And fun opening my new puzzles after writing my thank you.

You really have to trust that you've been given a complete puzzle when it's not new. It looks as if I have. Methodical puzzlers at work.

These are in my range, 300 and 500, I think. The parrot is a German make, the San Francisco one American made, with a  Woolworths sticker. Anyway this is going to be good, me in my cozy Useful Robe, some future cold day.

Laundry, then reading outside. 

Perfect. Doesn't get better. Happy Blogger here, signing off.



  1. Maybe keep your eye open for a card table on Freecyle?? They're perfect for 'puzzling' as Resident Chef will attest. He does 1000 pieces mostly but is happy with whatever comes his way.
    Put nectarines in our grocery order for today and they taste good but they look like they should be in the Misfit Misfits Box (yes, two misfits, so you get the picture!).

  2. I got to see your beaded doll. What size is it? Do you still have it in your collection?

    1. The doll, as a I recall, was about 6" or so in height. As for whether I still have it - will have to go searching to see. If I was guessing I suspect I gave it away.

  3. I think that doing a puzzle while listening to a good audio book might be the epitome of a very fine time.

  4. What a nice day out and to come home to a freshly cleaned house is even nicer! Freecycle is wonderful. I love it when people can work together helping each other. I'll be curious to see how you like All Creatures Great & Small. I have not yet seen it either but most PBS series are good.

    1. I'll definitely review it! I'm looking forward to seeing Diana Rigg in her last role.

  5. I've never worked a puzzle solo. I've always enjoyed keeping company with someone working on a puzzle.

    1. I don't have the option, so we'll see how it goes!

  6. A good day and new adventures, lucky you!

    1. E, I was just thinking about you today and hoping you're well. Such a difficult time where you live.

    2. Yes it is, our large school district now has 8000 quarantined teachers and boosters are coming Sept. 20 for those of us vaccinated. I could not believe that number when I heard it and now a cartoon circulating about Death DeSantis. I don't go out except to dump trash and only late when everyone else is asleep. I wear a mask anytime I leave my door and if ever anyone comes by but people only come in for emergencies such as the plumber weeks ago so I go days at a time seeing no-one. Good thing I am an introvert. I am glad you are well and as happy as one can be in the circumstances.

  7. one quick suggestion from a former jigsaw puzzler: always put the frame together first. It's a lot easier to figure out what goes where that way. And beware: they can become wonderfully addictive.

    1. I've always done edges first. Don't know another way! I've done them, just not been keen before. It's been a long time. Friends do them, they used to have community puzzles at the library before the pandemic. I just didn't see being interested long enough to do a big one. However your last comment makes ne wonder how long that will be the vase!

  8. I haven't worked a jigsaw puzzle in a very long time. Every time someone talks about doing one, it sounds like a nice peaceful way to pass some time.

    1. I'm envisioning sitting humming and piecing.


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