Monday, August 16, 2021

Cool enough to sit outside

A lovely day Sunday, cool enough, in the eighties, to sit out and read. No sound but bees in the butterfly bush.

And to read in Kindle, love my Kindle, which is so old it's just called a Kindle. It was the first on the market, withdrawn after a few months and replaced by the next shiny thing. 

Latecomers to Kindle insist on asking the model and are baffled when I explain there wasn't a model name, since there was nothing else on the Kindle market. 

I won this as a prize in a library summer reading program years ago. Funny to get a prize for doing what you liked all summer.

Here are the current two selections. 

Lucy Worsley, Doctor that is, is a personable historian on tv and YouTube, terrific researcher and an accessible writer. Also a lot of fun to watch.

She has a conversational style that makes history really what it is -- a story. She's devoted to Jane Austen's work and life and this book is one of the results. She's also the joint Chief Curator of the Historic  Royal palaces in England, big job, and I wonder when she manages to write. Or maybe when she manages to curate.

E. Nesbit, famous for The Railway Children, beloved of BBC children's drama programming, also wrote fantasy, and I'm not sure if I like this one or not. It's a weird mixture of real life and magic, with children who talk as if they're on a permanent stage. I won't give up on it too soon though.

There was more work on the beaded head, but it can wait to show you till I've done more.


  1. My first Kindle was white, it was a friend's old one that she replaced with a new shiny one. How excited I was to have it.

    1. I still enjoy the amazement of having books download before my very eyes!

  2. I have a kindle similar to yours. I love it as I can buy books and/or check out library books plus adjust the font size to something comfortable to read!

    1. I appreciate more and more the light weight. I have a load of classic reading on it, would weigh pounds in paper. But I can easily hold and read giant books like Ulysses, the entire Austen canon, a lot of Trollope, and much more. Aside from the savings on mileage to the library. I can't read ebooks on other devices with refreshing screens.

  3. Dr. Lucy Worsely's programs are top 10 favorites. I'd watch them over Nature and Nova, if they air at same time slots, different channels. Her holiday special is fantastic.

  4. I have a Kindle (quite old, looks like yours) but I've perhaps just never used it enough to find a lot of pleasure in it. And now I can't find a charger for it! Ugh.

    1. Thd charger's pretty standard. Any mini port double sided charger will work. You might have one lying around from an old tablet or phone.

  5. I have a Kindle similar to yours that I have had for many years. They last very well don't they! I find it is much easier on my eyes and I especially love that I can adjust the font size and the shade of the background. I have trouble reading with a bright white background due to some eye problems. Enjoy your day and reading outside!

    1. Adjusting the font size and the orientation are favorite options for me, too.

  6. My old Kindle is retired though it works perfectly. I should pass it on…

    1. Please do. Someone might get a lot of use from it. They're specially nice for people with arthritic hands who can't hold heavy paper books.

  7. I look forward to Sunday afternoons on our balcony with a good book, but alas this week it was too cool to spend much time out there. Warmer temps are in the forecast for later this week so hope I get to spend some time out there. I've discovered the delights of books by Katie Fforde and luckily our library has several. Her books are a nice light read - perfect for summer.

    1. I remember reading a couple of them a while back, yes.

  8. I do not have a kindle or any other reading device. just books. is that the new fence? did I miss the post about when they replaced it?

    1. If that were the new fence I wouldn't be complaining! Go back a bit to where I show pix of the start, other end of the development.


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