Sunday, August 1, 2021

Swallowtail butterfly and Doll, Continued

Yesterday was cooler and I was able to sit out and read, also notice a mass of activity in the butterfly bush next to me. Many bees of different species, a hummingbird clearwing, the regular monarch and the second sighting this year of a tiger swallowtail butterfly. 

This year's been very poor for butterflies. Normally we see quite a few species routinely. This year almost none. I hope they're flourishing somewhere. They may have been blown off their usual paths by storms.

And the current doll now has arms so she can direct the activity as I make legs for her. I've inserted wire rather than pipe cleaners, and I like it better for posing. I ran it into the shoulders, for better effect, as you see. 

Soon I'll add clothes. I already have the next doll in mind. Each one opens the way to the next, by getting some needs accomplished, so I can move on. 


  1. I think your lady here has thoughts and I am not sure they are thoughts I want to know about. She is a fierce one!

    1. They do say all art is s self portrait! It comes to the fore in dollmaking, I'm finding.

  2. she's coming along. she still looks a bit miffed to me.

  3. Those arms help bring out her personality!

    1. She's developing into a force to be reckoned with.

  4. Very nice
    Last week is the first time seeing a Monarch butterfly this summer. There are lots of flowers, but no zinnias.

    1. Butterflies have been in such short supply that seeing even one is a treat.

  5. Looking good, but watch out - this one looks a little stubborn!

  6. The monarch caterpillars have eaten all my dill and parsley! I'd better see butterflies all over the place!

    1. My neighbor was in a state over the destroyed dill till I explained they won't eat anything else in her crops. I used to put out a pot of parsley just for the butterflies. Later I'd see them. If I want parsley I have to buy it!

  7. Resident Chef said he heard on the news that the monarch population seems to have increased this year and that's good news. Maybe the current campaign to leave milkweed alone is working.
    Latest doll looks as though she's lecturing you - perhaps telling you what she wants next.

    1. I think she started as she meant to go on.


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