Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The return of the lovely Sarah Swett

 She's back, as of this morning. Painter, tapestry maker and teacher, loom builder, writer, knitter, comic artist, spinner -- remember my spinning the paper and making miniature book covers with the results? All due to Sarah. Her talents are endless as is her grit and cheerful handling of a lot of adversity in the last couple of years, over and above the pandemic.

On top of all that, she developed some serious hand related stress injuries and was forced to stop just about everything a few months ago. 

She's finally,  after a lot of work and rehab, able to do some drawing, yay.  Google on her, follow her, don't miss this national treasure, currently to be found in Idaho.   And online.

This is Sarah in comic mode, on her blog, A Field Guide to Needlework. And there's much more.

Nearer home I was straining today's sun tea when my neighbor, just leaving his house, stopped his car and came over to ask what I was doing.

I explained, showed him. He's amazed. He's going to do it! Asked if teabags would work. I assured him yes. I could tell he was thinking you never know what you'll see around Liz's house.

Meanwhile I had taken a run to the library, this morning before it's too hot,  to get Sonya's sewing book and Lily Tomlin, and was amazed to see dry streets. The pondside walking path is still submerged, but all is normal again in traffic. The mosquito population is thrilled with the weather. 

Too hungry to cook lunch,  I assembled it.
Pasta from yesterday, canned diced tomatoes, parmesan from the freezer, frozen solid, so I microplaned it over the doings. Spritz of olive oil. Couple of minutes in the microwave. 


Later this afternoon Textiles and Tea, which I'll blog later.

Meanwhile, reading Sonya, another talented and cheerful woman in the textile world. 

All's well.


  1. I quite enjoy pasta and can tomatoes. So many nice things to add and enjoy with it. Fresh basil is a favourite here.

    1. I like them diced, though. Crushed or whole not my favorite.

  2. Wow! Sarah Swett, an Idahoan! I look forward to tracking her down (at least online). WOW (just poked around her blog. WOW!!! :-)

    Glad you made it to the library safely and drily!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I thought you'd like the mention of Idaho! She's originally a New Englander, I believe. What a talent. And what a nice woman.

    2. We must be twins! I'm originally a New Englander too. Talent plus nice - a good combination.

  3. I'm glad to hear the streets are now clear and you can get out again. Your neighbor knows that you can do just about anything! I love sun tea and I've made it many times using tea bags with good results. That looks like a delicious and quickly made lunch!

    1. I think it's more like what's she doing NOW?

  4. Good you keep the neighbors on their toes. Active and involved.

    1. They often quietly watch to see what I'm doing especially when I'm crawling around outside taking pix of toads or collecting foliage for papermaking! I often explain, if only to put them out of their agony. Never a dull moment either side of the equation.

  5. Love her artwork. And in writing that, I first wrote "heartwork" which seems appropriate.
    I made a quart of sun tea yesterday. It's in my refrigerator now.

    1. That's one of those slips which really isn't. Her heart is in all her work.

  6. I fixed a big salad for dinner last night. lettuces, fruits, nuts, pasta, and feta. busy with my head down trying to get my own project completed.

    1. Yes to all that. That sounds like a great dinner.

  7. Just think how bored your neighbours would be if they didn't have you to entertain and amaze them!
    Thank you for the heads up about Sarah Swett - I'll be checking her blog for sure.

    1. I don't recount much of their lives where they don't intersect with mine, but trust me, the entertainment goes both ways!


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