Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Comfort food

What with feeling tired from pulling ground cover and other things, I needed a comfort food dessert last evening.

So I thought a little bowl of pink blancmange would do it. All the ingredients here. I did add in a drop of vanilla at the end.

It's years since I bought liquid milk. With the powder I mix only what I need at the moment, not limited to the quantities the liquid is sold in, and it freezes so I never run out. No waste. I get organic whole milk. They're not paying me to say this! It just works better for a household of one.

And I thought I'd try the windfall cane sugar. It arrived in the Misfits box in mistake for the same amount of flour.  So they refunded the cost of the flour, can't charge me for the mistaken sugar. Up to now I'd bought whatever sugar's cheapest on the shelf. But this was an experience. 

It has actual flavor, slightly like molasses but very delicate, and it makes a real difference. Also this one is fair trade, always a good thing when it comes to commodities like sugar and cocoa, with a history of oppression. Anyway, this Misfits mistake was very much in my favor. I studied it and now I know a good bit more about sugar than I did.

And the blancmange, just a cornstarch pudding, was cheering.

Later today Tea and Textiles, I must make sure I'm registered right now. If it's good, I'll report back.

Meanwhile the doll is presenting a new question. She's not really keen on the proposed embroidered dress, so we may have high level discussions about it. 

She's not so Elizabethan in character as she develops, much more modern. More like a 1920s reporter than a  1520s courtier.  Maybe a change in style from the floofy idea I had is called for.  So I have to stay flexible, not insist on my first idea. This is where art can be hard, where you're forced to think again when you already had a plan. Stay tuned.


  1. I’ve never seen that sugar to buy. Interesting that it has a taste of its own. Years ago, we visited Fiji and saw sugar cane fields which we hadn’t seen ever. Fair trade is important.

    1. I've never seen it in shops either. Misfits has introduced me to a lot of foods. I think we saw sugar cane in Florida, looked like it, but nobody to ask. Maybe a Floridian will tell us if it's grown there.

    2. Yes. Sugar has a very long and sordid history in Florida. They drained a good portion of the everglades to plant it and Big Sugar is still a power in this state, still trashing our fragile ecosystem, still fighting for the right to control the land that they built their fortunes on with the labor of enslaved people.

    3. Thank you. We saw it on our way to visit the Everglades. So you've confirmed our guess. Sugar has a sordid and cruel history.

    4. I think you could probably extend that to humans have a cruel and sordid history.

  2. we use so little sugar here. maybe next time we run out I'll try the more expensive stuff.

  3. I've never had a blancmange. They're not common here in Canada.

  4. Replies
    1. I have it occasionally, suddenly need it!

  5. One of these days I'll get it right: Textiles and Tea in that order!

  6. I wonder if Ms. Doll is a flapper in disguise; speakeasies and gin tonics to go with her hair?

  7. You know, I can see this doll as a 1920's lady. Maybe a flapper as Joanne suggested, definitely with a drink in her hand!

  8. I buy the least expensive sugar since the day I was at the Imperial Sugar factory and watched them load generic bags with the same sugar as they load the Imperial bags.

    1. Yes, I've always bought store brand over name brand for the same reason. I've never doubted there's no difference other than labels and marketing! But this is different, golden, tastes wonderful, actual flavor, not just sweetness. So I'll use it now and then.

  9. Another think I've learned from visiting you...that cane sugar has a taste. Resident Chef and I are currently debating the best 'brown' to use in coffee. He claims regular brown sugar tastes just the same as demerara and I beg to differ. Not really sure why we're debating at all because both of us have given up on sugar in our coffee anyway.

    1. That's exactly the kind of pointless discussion that happy couples tend to have!


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