Monday, August 30, 2021


One thing and another I haven't blogged today. I know people get a bit concerned on the rare occasions I don't have anything to say,  so I'm just passing through here  

I've developed numb fingers and thumb the ones I use for fine sewing and beading, which is probably the reason. So I'm resting my hands for a couple of days. Tricky to text or write online when you can't feel your fingers touching the keyboard.

And the hot weather came roaring back complete with allergies. Massive coughing and sneezing, , eyes  too bothered to see very well. And I have a constellation of what might be small spider bites which mean I can't wear a bra right now. 

Very sorry for myself. And a couple of anxious appointments coming up this week.

It doesn't seem to take much to get anxious about these days, probably all the bad news and the general anxiety everywhere. Not exciting to write and read about.

However, I did make a little vignette for your viewing pleasure.  Here

So I managed that. 


  1. Numb fingers and thumbs makes a lot of things difficult. You have been doing a lot of fine-motor muscle projects recently. Glad you're taking a break to rest them. Hope you can stir a pot and use a knife safely to make your scrumptious meals (or any meals at all!). Plus hot weather and allergies and rashes and upcoming appointments - it's a lot. I'm impressed you had enough steam to arrange such a good-looking vignette. Art - in all forms - courses through your veins!

    Chris from Boise

  2. Cute vignette. Your spider bites sounds painful. Ouch. You get a pass on feeling sorry for yourself with all that going on. I hope you feel better (in all respects) soon.

  3. I hope you feel better as the week progresses and the appointments are done. The vignette is perfect!

  4. Thinking of you. May all be well.

  5. I love the photo, thanks for making the effort and I hope you will feel better soon.

  6. You have my sympathy with the allergies. You'd think it too hot for pollen but nope.

  7. we all have those days. I do at any rate. kinda feeling that way now. after the mad push for the past two months to get going making stuff again, now that I'm taking a small break I'm sort of rudderless. still too hot to do anything outside.

  8. That is a lovely vignette and the well dressed doll makes it perfect! I hope you feel better soon!

  9. That photo is wonderful. Sending virtual hugs and hope that all is resolved for the better soon,

  10. Prayers you are feeling better today.
    I see a lovely still life painting in your vignette.

    1. You're welcome to use it as a subject, if you choose.

  11. Spider bites are a thing here too - I've had several on my face and they're just plain annoying. Seem to take forever to go away too.
    So sorry about the allergies.


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