Friday, August 13, 2021

Beading the Doll. Like Belling the Cat.

 So today is like this

Which means that aside from a lovely interval outside earlier this morning in the shade, deadheading my chrysanthemums, and a walk to the mailbox to drop in a letter, this has been an indoor day.

Here's a progression of the beading  excitement around here

Notice there's quite a bit of purl thread couched in here, the shiny stuff. The headpiece with rubies (!) just pinned to see, is off an Indian pin.

These are bracelets I wove ages ago which might find happy homes on dolls.  I used to sell these, to people who understood they were handwoven to my design. 

But I soon lost interest in selling, not much satisfaction really. Then people are rough with the bracelets, snag them gardening (!) etc and want repairs instantly.  A bit trying.

and here's a loom. Not the little one I wove beads on, I think I wore it out, but this is a bigger version, same idea. So high tech, thought you'd be amused. Notched cardboard. One of my loom repertoire.

Yet another form of weaving, great fun to do. I love handling beads and getting them to cooperate.

Tomorrow more bead application and a bit of sculpture. Right now it's sun tea and a bit of milk chocolate with an apricot. My eyes are tired or I'd go on beading.

I'm glad, what with the resumption of distancing everywhere, my groups maybe not starting up in September as hoped, another long winter of isolation looming, I'm very glad I make stuff.   Different sort of loom, heh, see what I did there..


  1. She's coming along wonderfully! Her personality is just about showing I think.
    As for the pandemic, looks like we're heading into a fourth wave and that one is predicted to be even worse. I'm glad both of us make stuff!

  2. I think you’re right about the coming winter though I hope not.

  3. I am thinking a Mardi Gras Queen...

  4. Mary beat me to it. It takes time to prepare for Mardi Gras.

  5. I agree with Mary and Joanne. She does look like a Mardi Gras Queen!

    I am also afraid we are in for another long Winter since this Delta variant is so much more contagious. Some medical authorities say it could be worse than last year. I guess I need to get back into some of my hobbies.

  6. The Beaded Lady is looking very eye catching rather like a tribal tattoo in color! Your temps looks like ours - I'm tired of summer now.

  7. this one is looking rather alien or else Rio de Janeiro carnivalish.

    your high temp for the day is higher than mine. 91 down here though 103 real feel.


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