Thursday, August 19, 2021

Back after a totally down day

Yesterday was about tiredness, under the weatherness, falling asleepness, and a lack of doingstuffness. I'm back.

We had tornado warnings and heavy rain during the night. I never noticed. Sleeping.

Which accounts for the humidity today, I suppose. Not too hot, but the humidity is good for the houseplants and dry skin.

The other day I noticed at the library a brand new announcement among the book group and craft group and health group news. 

This one states firmly that NO photography, recording, videos of any kind may be made on the premises. Quite new to this library visitor who's made loads of pix in the past, Dolliver photoshoots, grip-and-grins with the library director on winning my Kindle, a lot.

Turns out there's yet another thing for library employees to look out for: evidently bands of roving right wing characters have been invading police stations and libraries, filming, recording, creating disturbance, provoking reaction then shouting about their first amendment rights. 

Now, since all the public libraries around here seem to be next door to a police station, it's quick to get help, meanwhile there's a New Rule to try to head off confrontation. We'll see how it goes. 

I was so tempted to take a pic of the notice, but heroically refrained. The staff have enough to do without being teased by the likes of me.

Meanwhile I've been working on the beaded and silver-worked figure. Hair is now out of the picture, another better idea having dawned. 

Seen from above, new ruby (!) headpiece in place

The back of the head, which will be different soon. 

I have inserted a handy skewer type thing, and the body will be slid onto it, too, as soon as I make it. I do love couching, that's where you stitch down the silver (or gold) work. Watch this space!

More roasted vegetables today: onions, garlic, ginger, celery, broccoli, leeks, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, the remaining mixed spices from the chai, seasalt.

40 minutes at 450°f

Stuffed into the last of the pita, must make my own dough again

Dessert of a fresh peach dashed with baharat, plain yogurt. 

I hugely recommend baharat with fresh peaches. It's a lovely warm spice mix because of the cinnamon and nutmeg, as well as a bit peppery. I've started using it on canteloupe, too, instead of ginger. 

Watching a matinee of All Creatures this afternoon, at least some of it. 

All in all, trying not to be completely got down by all the news I can't help with beyond the little things I already do, there are things to enjoy.


  1. I really enjoyed this new series and loved the original. O hope you feel rested.

  2. one thing about working again, making art, especially with a deadline coming up, it keeps me off FB and Twitter and I already don't watch the news on TV.

    1. I don't have tv, never did open an account with the criminal enterprise known as Facebook, but I do use Twitter. Mostly for artists, writers, musicians, historians, comedians. But the news gets in anyway!

  3. Oh honey. Sounds like you and I have been in the same places lately. Today while I was in the doctor's office, I did indeed put my hands on breast and belly and tell my body that it is lovely and I am grateful for it.
    Thank you for that.

    1. I'm glad you tried it. We often talk about our bodies and it's good to remember to talk with then, too. Surprisingly healing and calming.

  4. The beading is better and better. Sorry to read protesters are creating negative atmospheres.

    1. They aren't. There aren't any. There are only reports from elsewhere of instigator so.

  5. We eat roasted veg a lot. Love them. The pita is a good idea to have with them. Thank you.

  6. It would be if it had happened. Reports from elsewhere, nothing here. This is a precaution to establish legal footing, I expect, just in case.

  7. Tiredness - suffering with the same thing. I think it must be August's heat - at least here.

    1. Yes, that and the general anxiety everywhere.

  8. Oh my lord, what next. I don't understand the mentality of people who even so much as manage to THINK about causing those sorts of disturbances. It seems there's a faction out there that are determined to spoil life for the rest of us. And to now allow photos in a library...that's just wrong.
    On the doll subject - seeing the last photo made me think of a pregnant belly (I know, another case of my mind working in ways mysterious to all) and that led to a ponderment about a doll with a baby on board with the belly beaded and the doll itself regular cloth. Yes, I know....go back to my corner....

    1. I think it's all about attention seeking. Civil behavior doesn't get coverage but a fake confrontation recorded for YouTube, that has an audience.


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