Sunday, August 1, 2021

Art doll, roast tatties, jam and biscuits

Today was surprisingly productive. Early outside, yanking out another section of ground cover, then I moved the ficus, now eight feet tall and rooted in, to the deck, harvested the potatoes, roasted a couple of them as french fries with a fried egg for lunch, baked a batch of wholewheat, walnut, golden raisin biscuits, made a little batch of cherry jam, worked on the doll, conferred with neighbor panicking about the fence project, entertained Handsome Son with biscuits and cherry jam, plum crumble and tea. 

And then it was now. Then I sat down.

And here's the doll now acting like a lady looking for the waiter with her cocktail, a Pink Lady. She has legs. And isn't afraid to use them.

And here are the jam and biscuits

And the roast french fries

This was a good day on all fronts.


  1. Did I mention that I also photographed, wrote, uploaded and edited three blogposts..

  2. Bravo!

    Methinks, for me at least, busy days are fun as long as they don't become chronic. :)

    1. Some days you look back in surprise at how much you did without realizing it.

  3. Doll #2 looks good and appears to be thinking very hard about something. Maybe she has some opinions about her clothes? I love her chair. It seems to be just the right size for her.

  4. Replies
    1. She took it from one of the Dollivers. She'll be lucky to get it back.

  5. Pretty lady dolly! Do you ever have one of the little neighbor children over for a tea party with your sweet dolls?
    Your chips look perfect!

  6. You are one busy woman! I like your newest pink lady.

    1. She's getting less Elizabethan as she goes!

  7. Doll is quite pleased with her inventrix.

  8. mmmm... your fries look yummy. And your new little lady looks like someone I wouldn't want to cross. :)

    1. She seems to be establishing herself as a force.

  9. I have a thing for miniature chairs so of course I paid special attention to that! It needs a wee cushion methinks, just for a little extra comfort. Seeing those fries has now set off a craving.

    1. I'll check with her on the cushion. Next she'll be wanting cocktail tables and waiters..


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