Thursday, August 1, 2024

White Rabbits, gold medals and a lotus

August, Lammastide, wheat harvest soon. Happy season, everyone.

And here's great Olympic news, there's a lot, but this is my pick

Real grown women! Not the little girls we used to see before the Olympic committee came to their senses and installed new minimum age limits.  Women's gymnastics for women!

Handsome Son visiting today, so there's chocolate cake and lemonade all set. 

Also strawberries and chocolate almonds.
He's having a good summer, with the shore and concerts and general fun. He can handle hot weather. That makes one of us.

Just a footnote about good neighbors. We are original owners in this development, bought our unit from the builders. So this friendly atmosphere is what we helped build and encourage. 

It's the result of significant reaching out and helpfulness on our part, too. Like a lot of other good things, it didn't come about by chance.  We were the white family welcoming Black and Indian new neighbors and encouraging other white owners to do likewise. 

We were out and about being safe people to ask things, to help people fathom their water shutoffs and other built-in builder's mysteries, and for people who had never had a fireplace, how to proceed safely. All that. 
So yes, it's lovely. And it's no accident. Just sayin'. Not throwing bouquets at myself, just saying it's always a two way street. The harder you work, the luckier you get. 

I'm reaping the reward now, from people who saw what I went through in the caregiving years, now being protective and kind to me in my own old age.  I know you can reach out and never reap any reward, perfectly true. But it's wonderful when it happens.

Thursday is my Misfits box day. Getting ready to wash and prep a lot of produce. My least favorite part, but it's how I make sure ingredients are ready to cook. It's insurance, so I don't feel too tired to cook! If it's halfway there, so much easier to cook the rest of the way. It helps me avoid the tea and toast routine of tired old people.

Time for Nancy yogurt, since my own has been getting thinner, it needs a boost. The last few spoons of this will be the next starter.

I always love to see these brown eggs, with real shells, golden firm yolks. A boiled egg with a toasted slice of that seedy, grainy bread is a great small supper.

Strawberries and chocolate almonds, because why not.  All set for easy hot weather food.


  1. That was very good of you to welcome new people. It can make all the difference to how people feel about such big steps in their lives.

    1. It goes a long way. Our new Indian friends realized we knew all about the stress and adventure of moving far to a new country.

  2. Wonderful to know a bit about your neighborly story.

    1. Just a bit more to round it out a bit.

    2. Bit's doing some heavy lifting there!

  3. The gymnastics totally amaze me. These women are fearless! And you are spot on about good neighbors. Makes all the difference in the world -- and to have them, you must be one.

    1. I can't even imagine doing what gymnasts do! And like a lot of things, neighbors are a two way street.

  4. my little street has developed some of that. not every house but enough.

    1. A quorum is all you need. I'm glad you have it. And I'm guessing you do your part.

  5. You are completely correct- good neighbors don't just happen by accident. Kindness comes from kindness.

    1. Sometimes even your best efforts are unavailing. But they can be reciprocated.

  6. When I lived in a city people were actually more friendly and willing to help than the rural folks are, although if you get one of them to know you they can rally others.

    You are wise to do meal prep in advance. I need to follow your example.

    1. Rural folks can be clannish, true. But one leader can open it up, you're right.

  7. I didn’t know about the age restrictions for gymnasts, but i approve. Good for you and your neighbourhood. Ours isn’t mostly like that, but we do have a few that we are somewhat sociable with.

    1. As long as there are no feuds, you're ahead!

  8. Your efforts were obviously appreciated. I can imagine you reaching out.

  9. Being a good neighbour makes good neighbours.

  10. We are having wild gold fever here in Australia
    Because we are on the bottom of the world all important races are run during our night. Every morning we wake to see who has won.
    For a country with a small population we are doing rather well. Although it all comes crashing down once the swimming finishes
    Yes. What you put out in the universe you get back. If your nice then with a bit of luck you will get nice back

  11. Having a sense of community that is welcoming to all types of people is essential to aging in place and you're right in saying that it's something you have to work at. (no pictures again - wondering if it's some sort of blog-grrrr glitch)


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