Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New day, new mood, new work

 So the Morning Moan and the later walk, lovely cool day, between showers, worked as hoped 

And here's an experiment with the pinloom. I wove a piece with handspun silk yarn, using every pin, then did warping on both sides, pulling the threads in different directions, to create a suggested landscape.

Off the loom 1.


The last four images show the piece off the loom, in each of the different directions. 

This is where I would like your input. Which direction works best for you?  Always interested to have your perception. My own is not always the best.

This piece is to be mounted as the focus of the next page in the fabric book, 

and there will be more stitching there, and maybe couched-down silk roving.

It took over from the goldwork, in fact I have another idea to do next, involving the pinloom and a cotton warp which I fancy painting. It would need to be warped over every pin in order to have a piece of fabric to paint.  We'll see.

 See how a walk can reset your entire outlook. The Indian men in the neighborhood know me now and I get bows and namaste as we pass in the street. 

Too wet underfoot to do a nature walk, though no doubt the ducks and frogs are deliriously happy. Birds and butterflies proceeding with caution, so wet everywhere.

This arrived this afternoon 

This one is designed for sun, but rain's okay too. Made in Australia with Australian expertise and knowledge about sun. They don't know I'm saying this, I just like it.

Blogger is doing stuff again, centering this text block and resisting all my requests to justify left. However it did let me import a group of pictures in one go, so there's that.

Happy day, everyone, let's take it where we find it.



  1. That is a beautiful umbrella. Hope you’ll be able to walk-about soon!

    1. It's lovely to look up and see sky and clouds. This one's quite a bit bigger than my old regular umbrella.

  2. The little woven piece to me looks better in the top photo because the diagonal yarn pulls the eye upward and into the rest of the piece. I SO love the colors!!

    1. Thank you, thoughtful comment. I can't take credit for the colors, but I like them a lot.

  3. I think I like the first picture best. Although honestly it all look great.
    Yes we do know about the hot hot sun not that we have seen it much lately

    1. And thank you for the opinion on the weaving. Noted

  4. Oh my, just catching up again. So glad yesterday is behind you. Those days - thankfully rare - are just Too Much. Glad you didn't wash away on top of all the rest. That was a lot of rain!

    Now THIS sunbrella looks like a working sunbrella: sun- and waterproof, what a novel idea! And a blue sky/cloudscape above you. A nice design.

    Re: pinloom. If thinking of a landscape, I vote #2 because my literal brain sees the thicker brown as earthy. But I really LIKE #3, because the central blue diagonals lift my eyes and my spirits.

    I hope your spirits are buoyed by the cooler weather in your forecast, and that the rains are not too bad. Feel free to send some against the countervailing winds to us.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you for the weaving verdict, very helpful. About yesterday, I've had better days, and today was one of them.
      There's a definite distribution problem with rain!

  5. The centered pictures are affecting the text. I think it happens when you do a batch upload. It doesn't happen for me when I upload one at a time. It's actually easier to do it that way if you are interspersing with text.

    1. I center pictures, left align text. Mostly it works. It's only when I delete a pic that it goes weird. It's not a big deal.

  6. I love that umbrella. Walking under the cloudy blue sky would be a pleasure. A sun/rain umbrella that’s sun/rain proof. Imagine! I can’t decide which direction I like better. I just tried again: 2, no 1, no 3, 4, wait, 2! Sorry!

    1. That's a definitive decision on the weaving! In fact it's helpful. Sometimes any way is fine, different images in all directions.

  7. Number 2 I think. No reasons just feeling.

  8. I would love to vote but alas still no pictures showing up on my end. I will check later and see if Blog-grrrrrrrr has righted itself.

    1. That's tricky. Maybe if you empty every cache you can find?

    2. Looks like Blog-grrrrr has righted itself this morning. So - to vote - I choose #4 and I actually have a reason! It reminds me of a shoreline with reflections in the water.

    3. That's a great verdict, thank you!

  9. I agree with Linda Sue on the piece. That diagonal does a great job of pulling the eye upwards.
    I wanted to say that yesterday (I think?) when you said that you hate the phrase, "X years young," I agreed wholeheartedly. I know people are just trying to make a point but to me it's simply an agist thing to say. I earned every one of these years.

    1. Thank you for the weaving opinion, noted and appreciated.

  10. Love the colors in your loom piece. What a pretty umbrella. Our outdoor one is just a solid red....get's the job done; but nothing special for sure. Yes, Stand with Ukraine!!

    1. I like the idea of looking up and seeing blue sky and clouds.

  11. I tried but I can't choose one of then over the other. I keep changing my mind. Love the umbrella.

    1. This is useful as opinion, though, if they're all equal, it's fine.

  12. That looks like fun to make. I remember making pot holders. Saw those kits at the craft store recently. Fun.

    1. A lot of moms have pot holders their kids made, sometimes at camp.

  13. Popping in late, I'll offer no real opinion about a preferred orientation of your woven piece, but I'll say, I thought it was interesting that I thought I preferred the first orientation, but thinking that might simply be because that one was first above the others, but when I embiggened them and saw them individually, I decided each looked equally good to me. I look forward to seeing what you chose. And can I just squeal a tiny bit and say, I LOVE that umbrella!

    1. I think there's something to be said for any orientation, really. I'm glad about this.


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