Sunday, August 11, 2024

Great weather and harmony on the patio

 This morning was cool, and I found a new friend on the zinnias, Mr. Praying Mantis 

And wild and tame flowers and only a couple of weeds 

The peppermint is coming along, a new shoot there, showing why you need to keep it in a pot, or it goes for world domination.

It's such a lift to step out and visit these friends each morning. I will need to prune the butterfly bush, which also has plans for world domination.  This is plenty of garden for me to work these days.

Treasure everywhere, to quote Calvin and Hobbes 

I see that Khelif, boxing Olympic gold medalist, is planning to sue the slanderers who tried to ruin her life. After she celebrates her gold medal, against a wonderfully sporting opponent, who was not just gracious but generous in defeat. 

Some big names ought to be nervous now. I really hopes she gets justice. The Boston Globe was smart to retract and apologize quickly, too bad others weren't. It's FAFO time. 

Yesterday's cooking was spectacular! I won't drag you through the entire process of making Will Yeung's chickpeas and rice, just show you last night's dinner. 

The chili oil was featured in the sauce. I had to sub a couple of ingredients in the sauce, Worcestershire for oyster sauce, malt vinegar for black vinegar.  The result is really worth doing, spicy but not combat sport spicy, warm deep flavor. 

The fruit and ginger beer went fine with it. I like Yeung, and Spain on a Fork, because their meals are filling and satisfying but still very light.  And they reheat a treat. 

I'm a pote 
and I don't note.

I think I may make a fruit crumble for Handsome Son's birthday, whenever we celebrate it. The fruit's lovely, and I remember giving him chocolate cake last time he visited. I'm thinking plum and peach.

Happy day everyone, may all your gardens flourish, whatever form they take, including imaginary.



  1. Your zinnias have really taken off! Ours are blooming with gusto as well, and they do make great little bouquets. Mike is appreciating all the tiny bouquets (which I learned from you and Ms. Moon) that appear mysteriously in his bathroom.

    I could smell the spices from here as you were cooking. Spectacular indeed!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I learned tiny bouquets from Twitter! It was a great meal. The combination of roasting vegetables then mixing them with rice and sauce is a new one for me.

  2. We had peppermint growing outside our kitchen door in San Diego. I think it had been planted by the original owners some time between 1924 and 1990! It was everywhere...

    But your feet show it because they’re long fellows.

    1. Peppermint will outlast the human race. Very funny pome coda!

  3. Good luck to Khelif in her legal battles -- may she knock out all her detractors!

    1. I'd like to see certain writers and tennis players have to face her in court! But I bet they settle.

  4. We planted catnip at a porch railing. It was held back from world domination by all the neighborhood cats keeping it gnawed to a gnub.

    1. One of my friends planted catnip, just as a plant, and couldn't understand how it kept getting flattened! Until she saw the neighbor's cat rolling wildly in it.

  5. She deserves her day in court. Your food looks lovely.

    1. I hope she does well, as an example of who not to slander! The food was good. Second day as good as the first.

  6. This reminds me that I haven’t seen a Praying Mantis this year. I must go out and look. They are fascinating insects and very efficient predators. Too bad there wasn’t a giant Republican-eating species!

    1. Every year I seem to have one or two in residence, and right now this man is cleaning up the zinnias.

  7. The rice and chick pea combination looks great. We often combine rice with beans and lentils. The chilli oil would be tasty with it.

  8. Praying mantises are one of those creatures that when you see as a child for the first time you sort of get the tiniest grasp of how amazing and curious the world really is.

    1. What I love is how they turn and watch the human. It's like what the bug is that big animal?

  9. I need to try roasting some garbanzos. Looks good. My world domination plant is phlox. They know no boundaries!

    1. I never roasted them before, but I will again, really good, with all the spices.

  10. Fruit crumble sounds good. One kind of fruit?

    1. Originally I thought peach and plum, but all the peaches were about to be overripe, so it's a peach crumble now.

  11. Chickpea and rice doesn't sound exciting initially but the extras make it appear interesting. Glad you enjoyed it. mmm, crumble.

    1. That's just the name. It involves oyster mushrooms, miso and smoked tofu along with a raft of herbs and scallions. It's flavorful as they say.

  12. I like chickpeas but RC isn't quite as fond of them so they rarely feature in our meals. I am, however, campaigning for that sandwich you posted a few days ago.


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