Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blessed cool, and tools continued

Today is another in a series of sunny cool days, lovely clear skies, moon visible, and a quilt on the bed, doesn't get better!

About tools, I've always been up for sharing, no need for everyone to buy everything. Way back, in our first house, Handsome Partner, a non gardener, seeing my gardening ambitions, invested in a tiller. I don't believe in tilling. I think it brings up weed seeds and gives them all the help they need. I'm more into mulching vegetables and flowers.

Anyway I had a tiller, and started lending it out. $5 per day, a token, to help get it returned. And I got the name and phone number of the borrowers.  Never a problem. 

I loved lending to Italian men. At that time there was a wave of immigration of families from a couple of Italian towns, all keen on growing food.

They would return promptly, and one man actually polished it and changed the oil.  He explained that I didn't know about engines, being a woman, so he took care of it. Italians also had great recipe ideas.  And they were cute, never a bad thing. 

When we sold the house, I put the tiller into a garage sale and had a minor bidding war.

I've rarely had my trust broken. One of my sisters used to say I  was ridiculous, people weren't trustworthy, but my experience didn't bear that out.

Same with musical instruments. I've had them shipped to me, no charge,  to try, when I was buying my recorders, and could either ship back or, if I was happy, send a check. Small trusting world, definitely my style.  It's possible I'm lucky, in which case my luck's held up for decades!

Today's walk yielded an early Fall scene, leaved down, fungi appearing 

And a van Goghish scene overhead 

Back home today's flower arrangement 

Simple lunch.  Wednesday is a tired day, recovering from Tuesday.  

So today was shrimp with dill, yogurt sauce, and mixed green salad with miso tofu, spritz of lemon juice.

Here's some eye candy. He makes it look easy

Happy day, everyone. We all make something look easy.


  1. Sunny cool days are perfect. Nice Italian men sound pretty good, too. Trust is a two-way process . . . or . . . treat as you wish to be treated. (I read The Water Babies at a very young age)

    1. I think people tend to worry about being let down.

  2. Beautiful photos, as always. I’m afraid I’m clearly less trusting than you. I’ve been burned (hurt) over the years but try to live with the attitude that, if I’m burned again, the wound will heal.

    1. I've been burned by family, quite seriously, but not by friends or strangers, oddly.

  3. Neighbours helping out neighbours -- that's how it should be, although it's a rarer thing now than it used to be, I think.

    1. I think people don't know their neighbors well now, mobile society.

  4. Has 'Library of Things' made appearances in communities over your side of the pond? Our Repair Cafe group also runs a library of things which lends mainly tools to members/library card holders.

    1. Our library has done this for a while, mainly electronic and craft related tools, to card holders. Also seed exchanges. There's a planned craft material exchange coming up. Tools not so much, this being a community that hires rather than diy.

  5. People are much less likely to trust now, which is sad. I think trust begets trust.

  6. How wonderful to be able to trust those around you. I do trust. Until that trust is broken. Then I never trust that person again
    Mostly people have been very trustworthy

    Our weather is like yours. Sunny days with perfect temperatures
    The night are colder and some mornings. But overall it’s getting better each day

  7. Your trust reminds me of a cowboy boot store that existed in this town when we moved here 19 years ago. When I was in there one day, the proprietor was on the phone. He was telling the person on the other end that he would ship boots to Deep River. "No, no. You don't need to pay me now. Pay me when you get them." The store didn't last, but I am pretty sure that I purchased my cowboy boots there. I haven't worn them for a long time. They were for line dancing way back then.

  8. It is cooler here today. Yay! Sadly, trust among neighbours is rare these days here.

  9. We have had nice weather for a few days. A relief. Went I have lent something out I very often don't see it again, so you have been fortunate in the people you deal with. You can never go wrong with shrimp. Or so think I!

    1. Small communities tend to foster accountability. I think that's part of it.

  10. We take similar photos: I also snapped fungi and leaves against the sky! I used to be very trusting . . .

    1. Hidden connections! Must be my Welsh blood!

  11. I think you live in a lovely neighbourhood obviously filled with caring people. I suspect that newcomers are 'vetted' by the rest until they are deemed worthy of knowing about your tool shed.


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