Friday, August 9, 2024

Sometimes a sandwich is all you need and other ramblings

Just wondering about supper Thursday, and this showed up on my YouTube feed. I love Spain on a Fork, cute arm-waving presenter, very good food. 

I forgot the lemon juice and subbed fresh chives for parsley, used my fresh supply of yogurt, the greens were arugula, and one sandwich, two slices of grainy, seedy bread,  was a fine supper.  It helps when you have all the ingredients right there. 

I've been thinking about food, partly because of Kamala, who not only wows thousands, settles the hash of hecklers and has half the population in  love with her, the other half wants to move in with Tim Walz, but is also a fine cook. 

She loves food to share and feed people, not a lone ranger. But I am, and, aside from my baking, which the neighbors and Handsome Son are happy to help with, I'm cooking for one. I sometimes feel this is a bit inadequate, though it's just chance that I'm living and cooking solo.

Then it dawned on me that it's still a social act, because cooking good food helps me keep good health, which, in turn, keeps me independent and not causing anxiety and work for the people around me. So there's that. 

I like to feel it's a responsible act. In fact I like doing it anyway, but it's always good to find a bit of moral high ground where you can. So there, sez Boud, smugly. This is a joke. I'm laughing at myself. In case anyone wondered.

Today, Friday,  the housecleaners came so I spent time at the library, to be out from underfoot. Here's what I did part of the time 

Once I realized that quite a few pieces had been put in where the shape fitted, the image didn't, I took them out and it went much better. I left plenty to do, and a young girl started piecing once I stepped away. This serial puzzling is good. 

Especially since that girl had been left to grapple with a rambunctious little sister while her mom was elsewhere. As soon as Mom returned, she dashed for the puzzle, seizing the moment. They're lovely kids, I've seen them around, and the mom is very attentive, doesn't push off the baby on the elder.

Today we have tornado warnings. It's certainly very disturbed up there, whipping winds, hot, with bursts of rain. I think safer at home than at the knitting group this afternoon.

Before the winds get any higher, here's the news from the patio 

New bud on the hibiscus 

New little friend resting between zinnia leaves 

Thank you everyone for your helpful and kind words yesterday. I'm not quite up to individual replies, just thank you everyone.

Happy day, we're here, that's pretty good.


  1. This looks like a healthy sandwich. You are right, even cooking for one has a social context. I've become used to cooking for two, so anyone else added to the mix makes me a little nervous. I should try a jigsaw puzzle sometime. It's been since I was a kid. Stay safe.

    1. I found that during the cat years, jigsaw puzzles were partly about retrieving the pieces knocked off the table, partly about fishing them out from under the fridge.

  2. That reminds me of a day I was visiting my mother at rehab and while she had phys therapy I did a crossword puzzle with another patient. She was sweet and a bit dithery and didn’t connect two correct pieces ever. I would surreptitiously fix them when she wasn’t looking and she was SO proud of herself for all she had gotten done. As for cooking, I might have to become less antisocial!

    1. You're a kind man, Mitchell. As my mom would have said, a nice boy!!

  3. That looks to be one of the eeBoo puzzles I love.
    And the chickpea salad sandwich looks and sounds very good and satisfying. I am sorry you're going through a tough time. None of us should be ashamed to admit it when we experience those times. We honor ourselves and our feelings when we can speak honestly. That's what I think, anyway.

    1. The chickpea salad is very good.

      It's not really about being ashamed of sadness or upset, it's more about not wanting to impose my feelings on other people. It's cultural. But there are times when you just do, anyway. Every emotion is valid, but some are harder on other people.

  4. On a cruise we once did. There was a puzzle area in the library. Hubby started one and soon had a bevy of widows helping him. I just laughed and left him there.
    He came back to the room only minutes after me and said he was pushed aside and they took over.
    I wonder if it came to arguments between the ladies as they all seem to know exactly how it should be attempted. And none of the ways were the same lol

    1. Sounds as if he was better off out of there!

  5. We’ve been making sandwiches with tomatoes out of the garden. So Good!

    1. Our farm tomatoes are too expensive for me now, but I've ordered heirlooms from Misfits for next week. I love them in sandwiches, with anything, or alone.

  6. I hope your weather settles soon. Ohio has had 66 or more confirmed tornadoes already this year, a record. And flooding rain and a huge power outage after Thursday's rains and flooding.

  7. Glad you were able to get to the library (and out from underfoot) this morning, wise to stay home in the afternoon.

    Waiting on that hibiscus bud to unfurl, and a very nice blue bachelor button there.

    We have all the ingredients for that chickpea salad! I know what I'm making tomorrow!

    Staying healthy in mind, body and soul is such a gift for you and all who care about you. You set us all an excellent example.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! And now that I've added the lemon juice, the chickpea salad is really good. Definitely one to repeat.

  8. I love jigsaws but get totally absorbed in them, to the detriment of everything else. Son and one daughter are similarly afflicted so we ration ourselves:-)

    1. I can be interested for a few minutes, then I need to move on. It takes a long time to complete a puzzle!

  9. I’m with Marie. Fresh tomatoes are king at this time of year.

    1. Definitely. A great sandwich, or a caprese salad, gourmet food.

  10. I don't know about that particular rendition, but thoughtfully prepared sandwiches, are an awesome idea. We don't do that here. 😊

    1. You make thoughtless sandwiches? Well, it's faster.

  11. The life you live is very much about others in all that you do and share.

  12. That sandwich looks delicious and I will be copying that recipe to hand on to the RC for future use...thank you. I love sandwiches on his homemade sourdough bread so I think this will be a great addition.

    1. Homemade bread would definitely lift it to star status. It's really good. It's a quick assembly but a cook feels that they really made something.

  13. I think when we lose interest in doing the things that keep us healthy and engaged in living is when we start to die. so good for you. cooking for one is just as important as cooking for a family. fun that your library sets out a jigsaw puzzle.

    1. Thank you, that's very affirming. Yes, engaged and interested and learning are key. my local library puts out a variety of puzzles, allowing for age range. The other library I use insists that only 1,000 piecers are worth putting out! I can't manage the smaller pieces very well, but too bad.

  14. Hope those tornado warning come to naught, needless to say! The serial puzzling IS a good idea. New Jersey does libraries very well.

    1. It's quite a popular concept here. And my local library has a collection of puzzles to borrow. Also appliances and tools to borrow.

  15. Cooking and sharing is wonderful. I like the idea of it being both a social and responsible act!

    1. The nearest I can get is sharing recipes here and showing my process when I cook.

    2. Which we appreciate! Chris from Boise


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