Friday, August 2, 2024

Heat again, the great indoors

 Here's today

Where it shows Trenton? That's me.

So today's about indoors. Stitching, knitting, no Friday knitting group. Browsing fun comics. Here's one for birders.

Moose is simply one of the best.

A few flowers are starting to  appear, including tiny wildflowers. I'm hoping they'll self seed.

Maybe wild phlox?

Meanwhile, I finally got that patch toe sock done 

Now for the second sock.

And a bit of goldwork 

And yesterday a text of thanks to Joe Biden for the huge feat of bringing political prisoners out of Russia. Including dissident Russian citizens imprisoned by their own government.  

He was on the phone to Slovenia about the final touches, an hour before he announced his ending his campaign. While self serving ambitious little critics like Andy Kim of NJ were claiming he was past it.  

For me, after all the hours I put in working to get Kim elected, it's personal. I'll vote him into the Senate this time, we need the seat. But if I live long enough, I'm going to work just as hard to primary him. One Term Kim. We deserve better. Okay, Boud, breathe 


  1. Why not communicate your feelings to Mr. Kim? He deserves a kick in the behind.

    1. I've been doing that ever since he started trying to undermine Biden. His account, his local office, his DC office, everywhere. He's refusing to answer but there's been a huge backlash. We need him in the Senate. For now. But after that any opponent in a primary will get plenty of support.

  2. Plover and plunder. I love it. 1. Inhale. 2. Exhale. 3. Repeat.

    1. Yes, breathe is good. Doing that. Not easy in this humidity.

  3. Not even much relief at Mount Pocono. Have you been to the mount?

    1. No, not a fan of mountains. There's not much relief anywhere, really.

  4. Just looking at the heat index map makes me feel hot. It looks unbearable.

  5. Stay cool, Boud. It’s a hit one here too. A lot of those lately!

  6. Good for Biden!!
    I think we are on our second-last day of this het wave. It’s been a pretty long one

  7. Today is our last really hot one for at least a week. It is a welcome change. Hopefully you will get a break soon.

  8. I am so sick of this heat and I hate spending my days inside I wait all winter for time on the porch. Very pretty sock.

    1. All winter I plan for sitting on the deck, tending flowers and reading. Then July happens, oh right.

  9. My plant ID app says you have a Garden Catchfly, a species of Campions.
    Biden did GREAT work on that release.

    1. Thank you for the id. And Biden's crushing it!

  10. Here the weather has been alternately very wet or very hot! Today it's both! Yes, joe Biden did well with that deal. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

    1. Yes, hot and wet aren't supposed to go together. But they do now.

  11. Ugh! Definitely a day for indoors!

    1. I grew up in the UK, no experience of summer too hot to go out. In North Yorkshire, typical July temps rarely got above the sixties f. in my childhood.

  12. Thank goodness for indoor goldwork on furnace days. I hope that you soon have temperatures more compatible with patio-sitting.

    I agree with Ms. Moon about the catchfly. Could the charming little yellow bloom be a petite marigold? I'm not sure which leaves go with which flowers.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes it's a marigold sticking up through the zinnia leaves. I think near the catch fly I've got sweet alyssum. That might be from the pollinator seed packet.

  13. It certainly has been a prolonged period of heat so I'm sure you are very glad to have a/c. It's cooled off quite a bit here the past couple days (I'm writing this on Thursday).

    1. Ac is vital right now. But the weather has moderated now.


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