Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Bumper crop at the mailbox

Well, on the front step. 

Package one, from blogger Wilma, whose blog has been in abeyance a while because she's been very busy, 

Complete with map showing the family farm the cocoa came from, and Wilma's various home locations, current and planned. 

A consumable gift is so good, and I have plans already.

Next to it on the step, my spurtzleur arrived and now I can spell it 

It feels wonderful in my hand, waxed and smooth, so I tried it right away.

It's quick to learn, though my yarn is a bit overspun and underspun here and there, as I was learning how to draft for this tool, a bit different from the drop spindle.

After a couple of minutes I had this output 

Two different kinds of roving, so I had to learn both. It's a really friendly tool, and a nice addition to my spinning collection. 

I still have to learn to make a more consistent twist, but that will come. It certainly spins fast, so there's that, too. 

Excitement galore. I can make interesting chocolate things to accompany my spinning and keep my strength up.

Happy day everyone, I hope good things land in your mailbox, too.



  1. Not come across a spurtleur before, I must give it a try. I learnt to spin on a wheel first and never did really grasp spinning on a spindle.

    1. I never got away with the wheel, so I've been a spindle spinner. The spurtzleur is pretty easy to work with.

  2. Chocolate and fiber crafts. Can’t ask for better than that

  3. Belize cacao and your first spurtzleuring (spurtzling?)!

    1. I haven't figured out the verb from spurtzleur yet. I think your guess is very likely.

  4. I have two books coming for review. That’s always something to look forward to.

  5. Something constructive and something consumable - a very nice delivery.

  6. I’ve never seen or heard of a spurtzleur before. You keep me curious and learning, Boud. Thank you!

    1. Neither had I. I came across it on Marion's World when she saw it demonstrated at a recent wool show.

  7. Yay for Wilma! I miss her blog posts. Glad to hear that she's alive, well, and busy.
    You are right- that was a GREAT day at the mailbox.

    1. She's okay, after a pretty tough time. She's hoping to get back to blogging, so stick around.

  8. This was a stellar day on your doorstep!

  9. fun to get packages in the mail even if it is stuff you order.

    1. True, also I order and forget, then it's a surprise.

  10. I appreciate the indirect update from Wilma, and also your enthusiasm about the spinning tool! It's also pretty. Very sculptural.

    1. It's lovely to handle, even if you don't spin with it. I'm hoping Wilma will be blogging again soon, but she's very busy just now.

  11. Chocolate and spinning with a new toy, can't get much better than that. I think you did well with your first effort with the new tool.

    1. Thank you. It's a different technique. Here you have to draft with one hand, and I'm used to using two.


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