Saturday, August 24, 2024

Always something, Ukrainian Independence Day, kitchen table activism

Early morning regular text from Handsome Son also included news of this 

Washing machine shutoff valve, as you see, the blue one broke off when he shut it after doing laundry. We routinely shut the washing machine valves between uses, because of danger of flooding -- second floor machines.  

Soooo the valve needs to be replaced. The plumber charged three figures last time. I'm going to see if Gary can help, if he's well enough, still needing to be careful. Or lend us advice and wrenches. Sigh. 

In much bigger news, today is Ukrainian Independence Day. Slava Ukraini!


Happy day, everyone! Keeping things in proportion is good. I'm working on it.

Flower sightings help 

Here's the mystery flower opened now. It doesn't smell like onions or garlic. Hm. 

And here's a cosmos. It's so pleasing to grow flowers from seed.

And I've placed my order for postcard stamps ready for when my postcards for voters arrive. I can't count on our local PO to have them.

Ready to be part of


  1. We are so lucky to have a great and reliable plumber who charges next to nothing. Those services are so much cheaper here. I wonder for how long.

  2. Love the visualization of Kamala's blue wave!

    1. I was careful to keep the designer's name in, though I can't make it out.

  3. I had to look at the wave again. I didn't see the orange head the first time. Lately it's been one thing after another for you and maintenance. Enough, already!

  4. I just did a little googling and I think that the artist's name is Gary Taxali. Pretty sure about that, unlike with the garlic/chives.

    1. Thank you for checking. I thought all the alliums smelt oniony.

  5. little white flowers still look like wild onion/garlic to me. and that's a great graphic. another one I saw showed Kamala standing on a giant WE while the shadow read as ME with Trump standing at it.

    1. Yes, I saw that one. Maybe there are scent less onions!

  6. Replies
    1. They're so welcome. I like to have a few in the house too.

  7. Not sure if it is to be trusted but the google lens thing tells me that the little white flower is from white garlic. All of our cosmos are droopy today from the rain. I hope they perk up.

    1. I do think it's some allium, yes, thank you for checking, Linda Sue.

    2. I wonder if it's garlic mustard? That tends to be invasive, so I wouldn't be surprised.

  8. I always YouTube what I want to learn. I’m sure there are lots on how to replace the blue part. Probably an easy fix for those that are able to physically attempt it
    Flowers are always a mood helper. They prove that life is always going to continue no matter what is going on

    1. Gary advises me you can just unscrew the little blue cap and replace it. Should be able to get the part. Hoping it's as simple as that.

  9. Love the blue wave. I'm doing post cards, too.

  10. Let's hope they can keep that independence!

    1. Now they've got the go ahead to strike within Russia, it's looking better. And the asset freezing and sanctions on Russia timed for Independence Day. Good old Joe.

  11. Slava Ukraini!

    I just went out (at 10 pm, flashlight in hand) and smelled my garlic chives. No onion fragrance from the flower, but a strong allium bite when I nibbled on a leaf. Garlic mustard has a broad mustard leaf rather than a slender allium leaf. So garlic chives is my vote.

    I trust Gary's diagnosis is correct on the valve handle repair. With Anzac biscuits and chocolate cake under his belt, HS doesn't know his own strength (plus so many plastic handles are rinky-dink).

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you on the plant detective work. I didn't taste, not knowing what I was dealing with, but I bet you're right. The valve handle was just soldered on, bound to snap sooner or later, and I expect the baked goods helped!

  12. It's hard to celebrate Independence Day when a war is going on, but patriotism will win the day.

  13. Plumbers are not cheap, but inefficient, would-be handymen (aka husbands) are often far more expensive!

    1. Fortunately my late partner knew his limits and never tried fixing anything!

  14. I have probably said this before and will probably say it again. In a previous garden we let cosmos self-seed and pretty well grow wherever -- within reason, of course.

    1. I love cosmos foliage, so I'll be happy if it keeps on showing up anywhere.

  15. Oh dear - another thing for you to have to deal with. Hopefully it's a relatively easy (and cheap) fix!

    1. That's my hope, too. At least nothing's leaking, a big plus.


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