Friday, August 30, 2024

Displacement activity and its uses

Yesterday, digesting the news that I am not done with the mammo place, I read some Miss Mapp,  knitted the heel of a sock, listened to a Mrs Pargeter mystery, cleared up some dead foliage, leaving the patio looking a lot better and made a quart of chocolate oatmilk.

This is just a cup of rolled oats, four cups water, drop of vanilla essence, blurt of molasses, blurt of agave syrup,  tablespoon lovely cacao, blend, strain, drink. 

I've ordered strawberries and other berries from Misfits, for next week, so I'll make more flavors of oatmilk.  

So that was a productive day, if nothing else.

The weather is now very friendly, cooler, cloudy, easy to sleep in. I did some of that, too.

Here's something I didn't know

Speaking of holiday foods

Meanwhile, the Friday knitting group -- never happened. I arrived to find they were closing the building and ushering everyone out. It was scheduled as a regular day, or so our dear leader told us last week, but it turned out to be early closing.  Quite a few puzzled people there.

So I'll roast the chicken this afternoon since I'm free anyway, good chance to do it.

Happy day and holiday weekend if you have one, Labor Day in the US, when people celebrate labor by not doing any.


  1. I'll go to Cheese World ANY day of the week!

  2. Ohhhh cheese world. Now that is a place I’d definitely visit
    It’s a Bugger when you make the effort to go somewhere and then find it’s not open
    Used to happen when swimming. We were not happy as we all got out of bed at stupid o’clock to be there when they opened at 5.30

    1. I'd asked last week and was assured the group would meet. Oh well. I did get a lovely chicken roasted in the time I saved.

  3. I like the Miss Mapp books, they are entertaining and a good choice after receiving the mammo news. I even bought two of the new Mapp books written by other authors.

  4. Well I bet that was a shock to be ushered out when you thought you were knitting.
    But sounds like you made good use of your day.

    1. It was a surprise! But I got my chicken roasted. All good

  5. Catching up: mammogram recalls are not fun. Fingers and toes crossed the re-squash will show nothing important. Displacement activities are so helpful when there's nothing to do but wait. Chocolate oatmilk - that's new to me!

    Chris from Boise, dreaming of Cheese World

    1. Try the oatmilk, it's really good. And I expect I'll get a lot done in the waiting period

  6. Cheese world would be popular here!

  7. I’ve never been to a Cheese World but I know I would love it.

    1. I love the idea of it. And Maggie Rudy's imagination.

  8. I am sorry you must return, I hope all will be well. xx

    1. Thank you,. I'm nervous and hopeful at the same time.

  9. Misfits should be sending you a monthly stipend given the amount of publicity you give them on your blog!

    1. That would be good! Most of my readers are out of their range, alas. For me they're a great option, excellent food at much lower prices than locally, and quite a few items aren't available locally. They're a big reason I stay well, I think. They've introduced me to items new to me. So I feel repaid.

  10. I made a nice chicken soup two days ago with what was left from the little chicken I roasted a few days before. It was so good and I thought of you.

    1. My reply must be in spam! Yes, I use every part, sparing only the cluck

  11. Oh, yes! I will go to cheese world. My son told me my bone density is so good because of cheese. I do love cheese! I wonder what was going on at the library? You managed to fill your day despite no knitting group.

    1. My rheuma, who does the bone density shots which seem to be working, tells me my highish blood calcium is dietary in origin, so no worries.
      I checked the libe website. Turns out it was a scheduled early closing. None of the staff seem to have been informed.

  12. Bummer about the knitting group! Why the early closing?

    1. It's a county library system. Closed Sat Sun and Mon for labor day, so I suppose they threw in the early closing for luck. Nice, but they coulda told us, all the people piling in for afternoon activities.

  13. A blurt - must be the opposite of a slurp.
    Too bad the knitting group was a bust. Our library has been closed for the better part of two weeks and will be for at least another two whilst they do some revamping. I didn't know how much I would miss it!!

    1. It's really an important community place. I have several available libraries, so when one was close for upgrading for a year, there were other options.


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