Monday, August 5, 2024

Second sock under way and new me

There's a SSS, second sock syndrome, which strikes some knitters, where the momentum of knitting the first sock goes away and it's hard to get to the second of the pair. It doesn't affect me, probably because I'm incapable of not finishing.

Here, the second patch toe sock is under way while I listen to my morning political podcast 

I tried on the first one, and found it comfortable, so I'll use this method more. It's easier than the provisional cast on method, much as I like it.

The inspection of the water heater is scheduled for tomorrow, when Handsome Son happens to be off work. I'm pursuing a new-me policy of letting people do what they offer to do, rather than old-me, who would insist on doing everything. 

He texted to say he'd take care of letting the inspector in and giving him the paperwork. New me just said great, thank you.  This is restful. I like this new policy. It's respectful of other people's willingness and ability.  Took me a while to get this.

So I picked and arranged a few flowers, humming happily 

Happy day, everyone, celebrate gymnast Andrade's brilliant Olympic gold, from great poverty and deprivation, through grit and endless work, to peak achievement. Go Rebecca! And the huge sportsmanship shown by the other medalists, bowing to her on the stand. Simone and Suni.

One of my favorite Olympic sights was, after Noah Lyles won the 100m in a photo finish (!), he took what was for him a fairly slow victory lap. Cameramen puffing, panting, legs whirring  like pistons, trying to keep him in frame!  Ordinary people showing us the contrast.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Usually when you have a trusted contractor, it's pro forma. Let's hope this one is.

  2. I'm with you on no SSS. My youngest diverges. In fact, she put away one pair she was knitting simultaneously for so long, she forgot how to turn a heel. I've had them for a year, heels turned. She forgets to pick them up.

  3. Generalised offers of help are always welcome but offering help with something specific is much easier to accept.

    1. Specific help is the real kind. General offers usually add up to nothing much.

  4. The great and hardest lesson. For someone who as always just done things, it’s hard to accept help. I’m happy you have.

    1. It's hard to believe other people will do things right!

  5. Allowing others to do things rather than insisting on doing them personally is a sign of growing up ;-) Over here, we're celebrating Keely Hodgkinson's 800m gold.
    We watched the boulder climbing, too - fascinating but so hard on every part of the body.

    1. I didn't see those events but I'm only getting bits online.

  6. Good luck! Your son is a gem.

  7. I watched that victory lap and laughed. Good for you for not being able to graciously accept offers of help.

    1. It was an illustration of the difference between ordinary people and Olympians!

    2. Uf. I meant to type for NOW being able to ...

    3. I realized it was only a typo. No worries.

  8. pretty flowers. How wise and gracious to be able to accept help. I am still bad at that.

  9. The female gymnasts are amazing on so many levels. Such an inspiration!

    1. They're admirable as people as well as athletes. It's not common enough.

  10. Speaking of socks, i was going through some old photos, and I saw that I had a very funky pair for Canada Day — 2018, I think. I barely recalled them and have no idea what happened to them.

    1. I'm allowing this anonymous comment because I'm pretty sure it's AC! It just sounds like something you'd say.

  11. if the inspection is happening on his day off then it makes sense for your son to handle it. and it frees you to do something you'd rather do. so new you is a good shift. I have no problem these days letting someone esle handle things I don't want to do when I have the opportunity.

    1. He only gets one day off a week, no weekends off, so it's good of him to maybe give up a summer day, depending in when the inspector shows up. Any time between 8:30 and 3:30

  12. Yes. It is a good day when we finally realize that our entire purpose on earth is not necessarily to make everyone else's life easier.

    1. So true! It goes against what women are taught from young.

  13. Even though I can be, shall we say, bossy, I'm also pragmatic. I accept help whenever it's offered. Good for knew you!

    1. It's also good to ask for help. Working on that too.

  14. I've learned, when it comes to SSS, that it's best to cast on the second one right away. I rarely don't have a pair of socks on the go because they're easy knitting for when I am having a coffee morning with my friend. I don't, however, attempt to turn the heel until I'm home and can concentrate.


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