Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Plants and pieces

 Today I ditched the morning glory which never budded, just foliage, and replaced it with a begonia which had been dead, tossed under a tree, and came back to life.

Those dead looking twigs were all there was when I tossed it. Now look.

Fungi starting in the pots 

And this corner keeps giving 

Here's today's bouquet, various faithful species.

And at the Tuesday Knitting Group one member was wondering where to buy some silk fabric to reline an old embroidered spectacle case her mother made. 

I suggested instead of shopping, I'd bring in some scraps next week, in case there's anything she can use.

There's silk, linen, cotton and who knows what, so maybe something will work for her.

Meanwhile the other HOA, not the door one, the other one where I was doing the water heater, thanked me for the permits etc and came at me with a list of new other forms and proofs, a couple of which I sent in this year already, and one which is impossible to do. This is not the Board, it's the mgt office. 

I replied, sending a copy of the email where they'd acknowledged receiving some of the stuff,  explained the other. So we'll see.  

After I wrote this there followed a comedy sequence where they said well we never received, oh wait, we'll blame the assistant, meanwhile send them all again,oh wait nevermind we found them, and so on. 

At this point I think it's a draw,  but I'm consulting the township on one point. They've gone to bat for me before on unreasonable HOA requests. We'll see.

Happy day, everyone, especially people dealing with HOAs. I deal with two of them, poor me.

I wonder if he had an HOA..


  1. Mark used to audit an HOA. He will never live where there is one after that experience!

    1. If I were male and with a good income I wouldn't either. But an older single female on a modest income can't get contractors to come reliably, and the cost is very high when you're solely responsible. It's the shared roofs, exteriors, grass cutting, snow removal etc which balance the annoyance of rules and regs. This is by far the best choice for me, even though I moan now and then.

    2. Mark's experience was with the board members. They were difficult, all wanted to be alpha. As far as the rest of it, I think that would not be a problem.

    3. Board members do get a bit above themselves. My neighbors and I speak up promptly when they try it.

  2. Hope you can lower your stash by a scrap for an eyeglass case.

  3. That begonia...
    Proof of life.
    I get having an HOA for many good reasons but must they be so unreasonable at times?

    1. Sometimes they get a little nuts. To be fair, they have their hands full, with non complying owners, but I'm so compliant, you'd think they'd be appreciative. They also felt silly today when they realized they'd spoken hastily and had to retract their words. Usually they're better than this.

  4. HOAs are a scourge as far as I can see...good luck.

    1. From the sound of it, yours is, you know what you're talking about.

  5. That begonia has beautiful leaves. Glad it came back for you.
    No HOA here we have by laws but it has not been active in many years.

  6. I am grateful to have never dealt with an HOA. Thich Nhat Hanh should have written a book called The Zen of the HOA.

    1. That would be a challenge! An awful lot of peace through meditation tends to come from males who have damn all to stress about anyway, in my observation.

  7. I am happy that we don’t even have HOAs.

  8. Volunteer plants are somewhat inspiring. We didn't plant this year but have white petunias in one pot and a mauve one in another. The mauve one was from what we planted two summers ago. I know your begonia is not exactly the same thing, but I hope it finds new life in its new place.

    1. I love volunteer plants, especially wildflowers. We had a wild cardinal flower that suddenly turned up near a downspout -- they usually grow near water -- for several years. It's heartening.

  9. The more I hear about HOA's the more I'm happy that we don't have one here. We have enough problems with the apartment management. The latest in their round of debacles is conveniently 'forgetting' their promise to repave our end of the complex this summer and deciding that repainting our parking spot lines was more important. In the meantime we drive through a maze of man-eating potholes. One wonders their ample wisdom....they will still decide to repave and cover up the newly painted lines. Wouldn't put it past them! They also consistently give us a notice that 'something' will be happening in the building and then it doesn't - only to spring it on us when we're least suspecting.

    1. If you had an HOA you'd have a board and mgt which would attend to exterior needs. We literally have no problems with paving, grass care, roof etc. Owners have muscle which renters often don't.


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