Friday, August 23, 2024

ACLU knows their members, and other intriguing things

 Today there's a survey, everyone does surveys, this one actually includes my age group. 

I get so sick of age ranges ending with boomers as if they've written off the active involved people beyond the boomer age. I'm still kicking boomers off my lawn, dratted kids.

The chocolate cake and ANZAC biscuits were so successful that after enjoying them here, Handsome Son took a box more home.  I'm looking at a depleted supply. He tells me he feels the same now as ever, despite the birthday.  Which I understand. You don't feel a chronological age at all. You're pretty much the same person anyway.

Lovely encounter with Gary's nine year old granddaughter K, wheeling her baby sister A, about. Beautiful baby, looks like her sister at that age, about three months. They're so bonded, too. A held my finger briefly, then she was happy to switch to her sister, and she hung on to her firmly!  No pictures, protecting them both. 

In other exciting sightings, Handsome Son and I saw the first hummingbird clearwing moth of the year, hovering around the butterfly bush. And many brown butterflies. Late but welcome. The little browns seem to be having a banner year.

Likewise the Democratic convention which I watched online with friends, great fun with knowledgeable people commenting. I had the live stream going on my phone and chat on my tablet.  No mainstream media, much better this way. We got to see everything, not just what the networks picked.

It was flawless, a brilliant production, such happy energy. Best speeches Kamala, Hillary and Michelle, so wonderful to have women front and center. And daughters, and a goddaughter, and sisters! We're really blessed with the Walz family, too.

I'm a bit tired now, but a nice tired. And fired up. 

If you're in a red state, keep on checking your voter registration status. Many voter suppression efforts are happening. Friends in Texas have had to register twice more already because of being removed from the rolls, despite being regular voters. So please do that. Don't wait.

Meanwhile flowers for all of us 

and the platonic ideal of dessert 

The Friday knitting group was fun 

The sock knitter brought treats from her recent trip home to Taiwan, rice, seeds and her uncle's honey 

Chat ranged over library acquisition, humidity, Shetland, Edinburgh, furniture, weather, shorts, tie dye, accents, gaelic, Norse, mackerel fishing, lobstering in Maine, craft books and more.

Happy day everyone, have a great weekend.


  1. I love that he took some home. I don't feel older each year, however I am not the same person. I've changed soooo much and even more this week. I love it. I love the changing parts. Exciting.

    Last week when out I looked at yarn. It's something I'll bring back soon to the day. I love making stuff. Thinking of making a blanket and maybe a scarf. Or a hat. I've never gone hats before. Be fun to give that a go!

  2. I am often surprised when I realize how old I am. I am me, and I guess in my mind that isn't old! At least HS left you some cake and biscuits, he obviously liked them.

    1. They were very well received! I was happy he stocked up. I don't feel different, either, as a person.

  3. Lots of beautiful things being created at the knitters group. And the Taiwanese treats look delicious!

  4. You have been busy. Nice exhaustion is nice. That’s my exhaustion every Friday night

  5. I watched my first convention! I hope we're all fired up and ready to go.

  6. It is hard to believe that in a democracy, some actually don't want people to vote. It seems, um, undemocratic.

  7. Your treats and the Taiwanese treats would be welcome. They look delicious. Happy birthday belatedly to Handsome Son. Don’t you just hate those survey ranges the end with 65 and over? Or worse yet, I once had one that ended with 50 and over!

    1. Who composes these age ranges? I'll pass on the good wishes to Handsome Son. Your 50+ cutoff would put him and me in the same category.

  8. Lots going on in the knitting group. I love the new vibe in the news coming across the pond and hope it continues to build.

    1. We're feeling a lot of joy, such a relief. I think it will go on, because there's such a short time before the election.

  9. Surveys are the bane of modern existence. I steadfastly refuse to complete them.

    1. They're everywhere! You buy the smallest thing and next you're asked to fill in a multipart survey. It's like self service -- I'm not doing their marketing for them!

  10. Like some of your other commenters, I don't do surveys either -- unless I'm really annoyed and feel the need to provide feedback! Did your friends in Texas say why they were removed from the rolls? I hope they at least got some notification.

    1. They found out when they were notified they'd been removed as "inactive" despite voting regularly. It pays to check.

  11. How I would love to see Gary's granddaughters. I'm sure they are a darling sight.
    Glad HS enjoyed his birthday treats. Yes. Isn't it odd how much we feel like the same person we've always been?

    1. They're the most beautiful girls. Little A looks just like K as a baby, when I first met her.

  12. and medical surveys! I appreciate that the healthcare system that I use wants feedback on my experience with their facilities and staff but omg I've been inundated with them these past few months while I navigated real and imagined issues.

    1. So true, you're still recovering and planning and before you're even home they want multiple questions answered.

  13. I so agree about the convention, fabulous, strong, caring and smart women front and center.

  14. Now I'm aghast to know that it's even possible to have your name removed from a voting list once you're registered. How in the world do they get away with that?!!! I am really fearful of the possibility (probability) of voters being physically blocked from entering polling stations, to say nothing about them figuring a way to absond with mail-in votes. We watched the highlights of the convention (as much as Canadian news had time to share) and I agree that the women took the spotlight, although I do have a real admiration for Barack and enjoyed his speech.

    1. A lot of people don't know your name can be removed when you're an active voter. We all know that lists are purged for good reason, death, or moving to another voting region, but we've trusted those were the only reasons. It pays to check.


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