Monday, August 12, 2024

Kitchen table activism

 I've signed up, again, to write postcards to voters. You can choose swing states or House seats where dems need turnout. Postcards go to registered voters, and have been very effective in getting them to the polls.  Registered people who need a push to vote are the target. I've done this before, and it worked. This time it's NJ 7th district, starting at home. We need the House.

Anyone in the US who wants to be involved in getting out the vote can cut and paste or copy the links above. Come on, do it for an old lady's last presidential election!


  1. I like what is on the eagle photo. Yes! BTW, don't go getting ahead of yourself. It's entirely likely you will vote to put these two back into office.

    1. That's a nice thought! I'll be in my early nineties.. Hopefully my marbles will not have departed!

  2. Thanks for the links. With you in New York City!

  3. It’s a great idea. You are doing something when it is difficult to think of something positive to do. Excellent eagle poster.

  4. Good luck - you can only do your best. Heaven preserve us from the orange one.

  5. I agree with Sandra. In four years you'll be right here.

  6. You're doing your bit for democracy! So great!

  7. It’s compulsory for everyone over 18 to register and vote.
    If you don’t the people come to your house and ask why. Unless you ended up in hospital you would have to pay a fine.
    That way we get a hundred percent voter turn out.
    What they do in the ballet box is up to them

    1. I should explain Angela lives in Australia. We in the US have to beg and plead and encourage even registered voters to get out and vote!

  8. That is a great meme with the Bald Eagle.

    1. And it's what I definitely feel right now!

  9. Got my first voter postcard in today's mail. For our House candidate up in November. I've also sent for my vote by mail ballot.

  10. I hope you have another happy and healthy four years and vote these two BACK into office.

  11. What a great thing to get involved in doing. And I don't believe it's your last presidential election! You're just going for the sympathy vote! (Fair enough, if it gets people involved.)

  12. I admire you for doing that. how does that work? you have to write the actual postcard, and if so what do you write, or just address it and mail it out?

    1. You hand write your own message of encouragement, stamp and mail it using the list of registered voters they send with the postcards. In 2019 I bought my own postcards and created the message. They may suggest encouraging phrases, I don't know yet. But I do my own. The personalizing is what makes it effective, a real person talking to you.
      The postage will be a strain for my budget, but I'll do my best. 200 is the minimum they'll send

  13. Dave got a postcard last time (2020) reminding him to vote, from Democrats Abroad. I don't think I've gotten one in a while, but I will indeed be voting!

    1. Good! You're voting in Florida? It's in play. Scott is doing badly, mucarsel-Powell has a good chance. I don't know if it will flip, because of many Cuban origin Gop, but you can help.

  14. I like the idea of a postcard campaign but it's too bad they don't cover the postage.

    1. It's all these groups can do to print and send. My postage costs are my donation to the campaign. A bit expensive but we've seen great results from this kind of homebased outreach.


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